
Missing (but still hating) her

I miss my sister :(

We didn't always get along as children, but since we've gotten older and not been living in the same place constantly, we've really learned to appreciate each other.

Since August, Emily has been in England, doing a study abroad program through her college. And I am missing her, big time. We have been using Skype to talk, which is excellent. She also got a new computer before she left, so she has a web cam and we can see her (even though she can't see us).

Emily has a great smile...huge teeth that were once so crooked she couldn't close her mouth without a struggle, but now (after a few years with an orthodontist) a great smile. And is a riot...truly, the web cam is her forte. She makes the funniest facial expressions, my mom and I always end up in tears when we are talking to her.

Last night, we had to talk to her because she was going to be leaving on her week break from school and heading to GREECE. So here is the hating part. This girl has travelled more places than I can even dream of...this year, she will be spending 4 months in England, travelling all around the country. They also have excursions planned in Ireland and Scotland. She is spending a week in Greece. She has been to Italy, Poland, Switzerland and Austria. Seriously, I am 1000 shades of jealous right now. The only time I've left the country is to go to Canada...which quite frankly shouldn't even count - we only live 30 minutes from the border!

So my Bean - hope you are loving Greece and all, have a great time and behave yourself!

Enjoy it!!

1 comment:

Mrs. Boom said...

Maybe I shouldn't be the one jealous over this but, I soO wish I was on MY way to Greece right now!!! Sounds like she is having a fabulous experience. Makes me very wistful for my study abroad experience (14 years ago..eek!).