
Another Saturday Night

Saturday night was quite a different story from the shower, so it wouldn't seem right to blog about them in the same post....

Post-shower, Kara followed Kelly and I home and came in to visit for a while. Our feet were aching after standing all afternoon and so it was a welcomed break to sit down and relax. Kevin and his groomsmen (plus his dad) went to get measured for tuxes earlier in the afternoon, so they were all hanging out at his brother's house for the evening.

After a quick stop at the mall, Kelly and I picked up Colleen and headed over there. Kevin's brothers Nate and Randy were there, as were Justin, Justin's wife Heather, Derek, Derek's wife Sara, and Mike (all Kevin's friends) and then some of Nate & his fiance Jennie's friends too. It was a packed house!

When Kevin's friends get together, drunkeness is soon to follow. Kevin brought a bottle of Crown Royal with him, and apparently by the time we got there (at 6:40 pm, mind you) they had finished more than half that bottle and a 30-rack of beer. They're all big guys (and clearly big drinkers) but this was still a bit early to be drinking that much.

The other thing about Kevin's friends is they get into these funny moods when they're drinking. They fight with each other, someone always ends up with no shirt on, someone ends up leaving because they're being cranky. So Justin and Derek were fighting, Mike was ribbing Justin, Kevin's eyes were crossing because he was so drunk and it was a mess.

Mike, this stupid fool that Kevin is friends with, has a tendency to take off after he has been drinking. Not one or two beers mind you, but beers and shots all night and then gets restless and decides he has to go. So he and Derek took off, went to the McDonalds up the road and then had to stay there because there was a sheriff. Derek wasn't even wearing shoes!

The wives and Justin had to go pick them up and wrestle Mike's keys away from him.

Kevin got sick and I had to be all comforting. Then he got all weepy and was like, "You're so good to me, I don't deserve you, blah blah blah" and so he was making me all weepy, because it was so strange to see him like that. Usually when he drinks, he gets all giggly, like a little girl, but only one other time has he gotten upset like that. So its a little unnerving.

Oh, also Justin and my friend Kelly (both very conservative) ended up talking politics with my other friend Colleen (very liberal), so that was a little funny. Justin can get a little heated, so his wife and I kept trying to redirect the conversation, but Colleen was a good sport about it, mostly because she finds it interesting just to have those dialogues with people who see things so differently than she does.

All in all, the evening was a mess.

Kevin called at 2 am, saying he woke up and couldn't get back to bed. I was still being nice to him because he was sick and he had been so upset.

I called him the next morning around 11, planning that I would be able to see him again but apparently he forgot to tell me (since he was drunk) that he was driving his brother home in the morning and so I wouldn't see him. So the whole weekend, I got to spend about 2 hours with him. Awesome.

On the bright side, I finished all 52 of my thank you notes.

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