
Bill Cosby said it best...

...kids say the darndest things haha!

Last night at work, a little boy (probably about 8) and his mother came through my line. The boy proceeded to tell me that no matter how hard he tries, his hands, arms and head are glued on and he cannot get them off....BUT when he dies, then he will be able to take his head off and his eyeballs out, and he can put them on backwards. And he will turn he nose upside-down. And put his mouth on the back of his head and his hair on his back.

The mother just asked if he was being silly.

Then he told me, "You know, my mom got a haircut and she looks pret-ty good."

The mother says, "Why would you tell her that?"

To which he replies, "Well at least I didn't tell her you look like a man....because you DO!"

When I tell Kevin this story, he just says things like "Makes you really want to start having kids so they can start making fun of you in public, huh? Are you SURE you want 5?!"

I just think, we'll take it one day and one baby at a time. Seriously, I've been bitten by the baby bug. But it still blows my mind that suddenly, "So are you going to have kids right away?" is a valid question for someone to ask (and just in case you're wondering, NO we won't be...we've been waiting a long time for it just to be the two of us...preferably living in the same city haha, so we'll be enjoying our time together before bringing someone else into the mix.)

Meanwhile, I was supposed to start my 30 day Shred last night, but I was a big sucker and ended up staying late at work. So it was pushed to tonight. I have more time in between jobs, so I will be able to fit it in today. I'm actually getting excited about it. A lot of people have been doing so well with it, I have hope that I will be able to push myself to stick to it. I anticipate being very sore tomorrow ;)

Enjoy it!

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