
Let's catch up!

There really just hasn't been a whole lot of exciting stuff going on with me lately, at least nothing I am ready to blog about, but I thought I could play a little catch up here:

-I have applied for two new jobs, and had interviews for both. Both are within my current company, but moving from a store to a corporate level, which would be nice and mean more regular hours and the possibility of having my weekends back (please sweet tiny baby Jesus, please). So if you have some to spare, send the good vibes my way, as I would love love love to get one of these jobs.

-I have been working like a madman to finish my best friend Kara's wedding invitations and was FINALLY able to drop them off to her last Wednesday. They wouldn't have taken so long, but the company I ordered supplies from (someone I've used before and been very happy with) was having a little issue. Thankfully we got the problem corrected and they overnighted them to me (no charge). I am really happy with the way they turned out and I hope she is too!

-We had a birthday party for Kevin a couple weekends ago - he turned the big 2-5! A quarter century! I keep razzing him about it, but when my turn comes around in June, I don't think I will be so happy. We had a lovely time and I was able to try out a bunch of new recipes on his friends. So glad everyone could come!

Enjoy it!