I love lamp.
I am a tube of toothpaste for our Halloween celebration! And the shade is my cap! Loooove it.
I just cannot wait until it is four o'clock and I can leave and head out to see my hunny bunny. He is making me dinner tonight (a little Shake-n-Bake action going on) and I'm so excited to snuggle in the new bed (that I haven't had a chance to try out yet) and just relax.
Then, bright and early tomorrow morning, I am heading out the rest of the way to my college friend's house for a fun Girls Night. Thuper duper exthited!
Since we were having a fun day at work, I stayed up late to bake some treats last night. I didn't end up getting to bed until 2am, which mean 6:30 came around pretty early this morning. But it should be a pretty relaxed day here at the bank, so hopefully it will be easy and go by quick (and without my over-tired eyeballs falling out of my head).
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! ::muah-ha-ha-ha-ha::
Enjoy it!!
Gah, frustration
Since I moved back home after college and especially since we started planning a wedding, we've been butting heads. Mostly because it seems like she is only ever asking me stupid questions. And I'm sure she doesn't mean them to be stupid, but that is how they end up.
And of course, I am not helping the situation, by answering these stupid questions with honest answers. And honestly, sometimes to other people's ears, comes out as bitchy. She also doesn't like the reply "I don't know."
So this morning we are fighting because she got a card for me to send to my goddaughter for Halloween. Sounds harmless, right?
Well, she asked last week if I was sending something to Hayden for Halloween and I said no. Which should have been enough.
**Before you go thinking I am a horrible godmother, Hayden is 5 months old. It seems a little silly to send a Halloween card to her...next year, when she might get excited to have mail, or like to have her own pack of M&Ms, it's another story**
So when she pulled out the card (after I've gotten 5.5 hours of sleep and my immune system is slowing losing a battle to a cold), I was a bit surprised. And told her that it was stupid to send a 5 month old a card. And that I didn't even know what to write. So instead I started packing my lunch.
She snatched the card up and told me "Just go away"....awesome start to the morning.
She has told me several times that 1 - I should have just eloped, 2 - she doesn't even want to come to the wedding anymore and 3 - she hates how I am growing my hair and it looks horrible (which seems silly but is a big deal).
I think we just need to start again.... gosh my eyes are so tired
Been thinking about it...
.....and I didn't have an answer. So I've really been thinking about it, trying to find the moment that I "knew" but I really don't think I have an answer.
Kevin and I met our freshman year of college...in our first class...on the first day. We had matching pencils - blue, with flowers and a girl's name printed on them. He sat next to me and right away, I knew there was *something* about this guy that I liked. He had a relaxed vibe, sort of shy. Four years in an all girls high school didn't teach me much in the way of socializing with guys, so we started talking about our matching pencils and I found out "Jenna" was his high school girlfriend. Right away, my hopes fell.
Kevin was also in my Freshman Seminar, a class that met once a week where we could talk about issues and new situations we were encountering during our first semester. At one point we had to bring in theme songs for ourselves - like a song that would play when we walked into a room in a movie. Mine was Avril Lavinge, "Things I'll Never Say." Cheesy, but I love it. For the most part, it seemed like people were picking songs that fit them. Then Kevin stood up - this 320lb, 6-foot tall guy, and played his song. It was this tiny voice singing, "Am I not pretty enough? Is my heart too broken?" - a song by Kasey Chambers. It was comical, the difference that there was between this big guy, and this tiny song. He doesn't even remember it, but I do. And I went home and downloaded the song.
Once I invited him over to hang out with my friends (because I knew he didn't hang out with a lot of people at school) - we were going through a phase where we watched Old School, every single day. And he really came down, but we weren't there.
Freshman year, Kevin hated our school. He was going home every weekend to see his friends and his girlfriend. I really have that freshman seminar instructor to thank...she befriended him and convinced him to stay at the school.
Sophomore year, he and his girlfriend had broken up. A girlfriend of mine was dating a guy on the football team who wanted to set him up. They decided that my best friend Carolyn was the one. So even though I liked him, even though I was upset about it, I didn't say anything. I thought he had chosen her. Turns out, he thought she liked him and she thought he liked her and really, they didn't like each other that way at all. One night, our whole group of friends went out to the pier and on the way home, Kevin and I got to talking. About country music, of all things. But when we were talking, I found myself thinking, "Wow, this guy is really amazing. We could do this." Even Carolyn saw it, and was encouraging me. But I thought she was just being diplomatic, and we let it die off. ((Kevin remembers this conversation, and really regrets that we didn't let each other know how we were feeling...I just think that what came next really makes us appreciate how good we have it now))
Junior year, Kevin got back together with his old girlfriend. And I started dating, Other Kevin (aka Bad Kevin). We met at a party at the local nerd school, through mutual friends. We fell hard and fast. Looking back, I can only see how I let him control and manipulate me, never wanting me to be anywhere without him, needing to latch on to me. But at the time, I was happy (even though no one around me thought he was worth my time...). Of course there were good time, and many firsts - he was the first "real" boyfriend, the first love, etc.
Senior year I was single again. I would finishing school a semester earlier than my friend and it was ALL about having a good time. But I was lonely, and I still thought about Kevin. One time my roommate and I were talking before bed about Senior Ball and who we would take, and she said, "Well you can take Jimmy Tony (the nickname we had for Kevin)." Of course, I couldn't - he was dating someone. But I still really liked that idea.
The day before he was going back to school, Kevin and the Ex called it quits for good. And Facebook got the word out. My friends were texting me to make sure I had seen the news. I ran downstairs and told my mom, "Jimmy Tony is single and I love him and we're getting married." I guess I've been saying it so long that it seems like it's always been true. It was his roommate's birthday in two weeks, conveniently the weekend that I was planning to go up and visit anyhow. We found out they would be at the bar that we went to every Saturday to celebrate and I formulated a plan.
Kevin is NOT into the club scene and neither was the friend, but they went out anyway. And we saw them there...all my girlfriends wished Sven a happy birthday and we stopped to talk for a minute. Then we headed out to the dance floor. I went by myself to the ladies' room and on the way back, I stopped to talk to him. I said I got seperated from my friends and I couldn't find them. Kevin is tall and could see them out on the floor, dancing. But when I asked him to come out and dance with me, he accepted. He's not a good dancer, but I had SO much fun. The lights came on, but we weren't ready for the night to be over, so he drove home with my friends and I and came back for a beer. We stayed up until 7 am, just talking and sharing stories. And after that, I knew. I knew the way you know about a good melon. (and if you recognize where that is from, you are my new bff.)
So as cheesy as it sounds, I guess I always knew. Like we had been looking for each other all along and just had to wait until the time was right.
So when did you know?
"I like your shoes!"

I don't know how you could NOT break an ankle in these shoes...but they look pretty cool. Cool enough that I want to give them a try, just to see if I could do it.
Enjoy it!!
Hello, my name is Meagan...

I used to want a little Yorkie baby like this (which, I still do...I didn't grow up in a house with pets, so something small, preferably whose mouth doesn't come above my knee, would be perfect). But lately, I've been thinking...English bulldog. And I shall name her ::drumroll please::
COME ON, how cute are they? Seriously, my cold dead heart is melting here
Oh man, look at those rolls! And the chubby furry little paws. How could you not want one?
Enjoy it!!
Eat, Pray, Love

Another Saturday Night
Post-shower, Kara followed Kelly and I home and came in to visit for a while. Our feet were aching after standing all afternoon and so it was a welcomed break to sit down and relax. Kevin and his groomsmen (plus his dad) went to get measured for tuxes earlier in the afternoon, so they were all hanging out at his brother's house for the evening.
After a quick stop at the mall, Kelly and I picked up Colleen and headed over there. Kevin's brothers Nate and Randy were there, as were Justin, Justin's wife Heather, Derek, Derek's wife Sara, and Mike (all Kevin's friends) and then some of Nate & his fiance Jennie's friends too. It was a packed house!
When Kevin's friends get together, drunkeness is soon to follow. Kevin brought a bottle of Crown Royal with him, and apparently by the time we got there (at 6:40 pm, mind you) they had finished more than half that bottle and a 30-rack of beer. They're all big guys (and clearly big drinkers) but this was still a bit early to be drinking that much.
The other thing about Kevin's friends is they get into these funny moods when they're drinking. They fight with each other, someone always ends up with no shirt on, someone ends up leaving because they're being cranky. So Justin and Derek were fighting, Mike was ribbing Justin, Kevin's eyes were crossing because he was so drunk and it was a mess.
Mike, this stupid fool that Kevin is friends with, has a tendency to take off after he has been drinking. Not one or two beers mind you, but beers and shots all night and then gets restless and decides he has to go. So he and Derek took off, went to the McDonalds up the road and then had to stay there because there was a sheriff. Derek wasn't even wearing shoes!
The wives and Justin had to go pick them up and wrestle Mike's keys away from him.
Kevin got sick and I had to be all comforting. Then he got all weepy and was like, "You're so good to me, I don't deserve you, blah blah blah" and so he was making me all weepy, because it was so strange to see him like that. Usually when he drinks, he gets all giggly, like a little girl, but only one other time has he gotten upset like that. So its a little unnerving.
Oh, also Justin and my friend Kelly (both very conservative) ended up talking politics with my other friend Colleen (very liberal), so that was a little funny. Justin can get a little heated, so his wife and I kept trying to redirect the conversation, but Colleen was a good sport about it, mostly because she finds it interesting just to have those dialogues with people who see things so differently than she does.
All in all, the evening was a mess.
Kevin called at 2 am, saying he woke up and couldn't get back to bed. I was still being nice to him because he was sick and he had been so upset.
I called him the next morning around 11, planning that I would be able to see him again but apparently he forgot to tell me (since he was drunk) that he was driving his brother home in the morning and so I wouldn't see him. So the whole weekend, I got to spend about 2 hours with him. Awesome.
On the bright side, I finished all 52 of my thank you notes.
Shower time!
Friday night after work - I ran home to clean up as quickly as I could. A college friend was coming to stay and my room looks like a tornado came through it. I even managed to vacuum before she showed up around 6. We grabbed something for dinner - my mom was monopolizing the kitching, cooking chicken a la king for what appeared to be all of Rhode Island, so we wouldn't be able to go in there. THEN we went to the liquor store and got 6 bottles of champagne for the punch the next day and headed back to the mad house. My mom had 2 friends and 1 aunt over, cutting up chicken and veggies and stirring pots all over. It was a mad house - but it smelled delicious! My friend Kelly and I were put to work, making little "thank you" tags to go on the favors, and then figuring out how to attach said tags. We wrapped about a million (or 16) door prizes and I tied pretty bows - Kelly is not so adept at the wrapping, and my mom thought it was hysterical. We put everything in baskets, favors and door prizes, and then it was 12:30....time for bed.
Saturday morning, we got up, showered and dressed. My mom was in panic mode - the shower didn't start until 1 pm and she left for the place at 10 am. Kelly and I grabbed some breakfast, picked up 3 dozen green balloons, extra plates and stopped back at my house, where we met my friend Kara. Then we went out to the facility and managed to NOT get lost! Yahoo! We got there around 12:15, where my mom and aunts were in a mad dash to get everything set up.
The room looked beautiful - my mother had arranged 7 round tables, white tableclothes and dark green placemats. Every place had a napkin and silverware, and as the centerpiece - ceramic pumpkins and a little vase with sunflowers, fall leaves and red and orange berries. It looked amazing! There was a table with cheese and crackers, one with veggies and one with some punch. Then the guests started arriving.
Everyone kept asking me, "Are you nervous for the shower?" but I couldn't think of anything to be nervous about - a room full of 50 awesome women hanging out and celebrating sounded like fun to me. Plus (a change from the first shower), I knew all their names and who they were, and had met them more than twice.
It seemed like the ladies just kept coming, and the gift table was overflowing. I couldn't even believe the packages we were getting. Kara, my oldest friend, was given the job of grabbing gifts, and she took it very seriously (honestly, she was trying to "beat" my other friend to get gifts and take them over, she is too funny!)
Then we sat down to eat. My Aunt Colleen, a whiz in the kitchen, had made a delicious salad - it had pears, craisins and walnuts on it and it was so goooood! Then my mother's Chicken a la King, with a side of green beans and garnished with a slice of orange and a strawberry. My aunts' carried out everyone's plates and the presentation was amazing! I am running out of different adjectives to use in this post, because it was just that great.
All the ladies in my family brought desserts: lemon squares, cheesecakes, truffles, apple crisp, and so many more yummy things!
Finally it was time to see what everyone had brought - we opened gifts for a long time, they just seemed to keep coming. We ended up with such beautiful things! Kevin got his coffee maker and toaster like he has been longing for. We got sooo many things, I couldn't believe it! Then Kevin came and we thanked everyone for coming and for all the beautiful gifts.
By far, my favorite was from Kara - it was a blanket from Things Remembered, with our names and the wedding date embroidered on it, and a little verse. It was so beautiful and sentimental.
When it was all done, we loaded up my car and Kevin's full of things and headed home. It was a great day and I was so glad for the time I got to spend with my family and friends!
Enjoy it!!
Missing (but still hating) her
We didn't always get along as children, but since we've gotten older and not been living in the same place constantly, we've really learned to appreciate each other.
Since August, Emily has been in England, doing a study abroad program through her college. And I am missing her, big time. We have been using Skype to talk, which is excellent. She also got a new computer before she left, so she has a web cam and we can see her (even though she can't see us).
Emily has a great smile...huge teeth that were once so crooked she couldn't close her mouth without a struggle, but now (after a few years with an orthodontist) a great smile. And is a riot...truly, the web cam is her forte. She makes the funniest facial expressions, my mom and I always end up in tears when we are talking to her.
Last night, we had to talk to her because she was going to be leaving on her week break from school and heading to GREECE. So here is the hating part. This girl has travelled more places than I can even dream of...this year, she will be spending 4 months in England, travelling all around the country. They also have excursions planned in Ireland and Scotland. She is spending a week in Greece. She has been to Italy, Poland, Switzerland and Austria. Seriously, I am 1000 shades of jealous right now. The only time I've left the country is to go to Canada...which quite frankly shouldn't even count - we only live 30 minutes from the border!
So my Bean - hope you are loving Greece and all, have a great time and behave yourself!
Enjoy it!!
Why, thank you!

This time around, my mother is having the shower and has invited pretty much every single woman that we are having at the wedding - all my aunts, cousins, both her and my friends, parents friends who have basically adopted me through the years - and I cannot wait for it. These women are GREAT and I love each and every one of them. I have a wonderful support network at home and 46 of the best people I know, hanging out together, laughing and having a good time sounds pretty awesome to me.
That being said, I guess I didn't know they liked ME so much. Confession - I am a serial registry stalker. I've needed to adjust things several times (we registered quite early and since then, inventory has changed and so has my mind). And the first time I saw something missing from the registry, I thought I had accidentally hacked into someone else's list. Since then, I've been hooked. I am not getting married for the stuff, but it is quite the perk.
Things keep disappearing from the lists, more and more, and though there is a shower coming up, I can't believe there are still people buying things. Kevin is just like "Yay, I will have things for the apartment" and I can't get over the fact that people like me enough to buy me this:

This weekend, I was playing Suzie HomeMaker while Kevin was at work. We were having people over to watch the opening Sabres game, and so I made chicken wing dip (delish!), death by chocolate and apple pie (a la Pioneer Woman). And I went grocery shopping and did two loads of laundry - go me! Oh yes, and jello shots...mmm
Saturday, I wasn't really feeling very well, and I pretty much just stayed in bed until 3pm. Then I finally got up and showered and we went mattress shopping, so I got to lay down there haha. I bought a new mattress - a deliciously comfortable king size, marshmallow-y mattress. I am in love. And I haven't even been able to sleep in it yet. Me = jealous. Also, we went out to dinner, and I had the best salmon ever, ever, ever. We had to stop at Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target to get sheets and a mattress pad because Kevin would just sleep on it without anything on it unless I bought these. Boys are ridiculous.
Sunday, we slept in more and I finally felt better. I went home pretty early, and headed over to my grandma's house for dinner. Then I got to hang out with my friend Tracy. I brought a yummy snack - baguette, brie cheese and this yummy caramel spread with dried apples, cranberries and walnuts in it. Then we watched a movie and talked, since I haven't seen her in forever. Between me and my two jobs, and her working and school full time, we are almost never free at the same times. So I was glad to see her and catch up on some scoop.
Monday, I enjoyed my holiday! Thank you Christopher Columbus for getting me a day off from work. Seriously, you did me a solid man. I went shopping with my grandmother, so she could get something for my shower this weekend. She had her mind set on getting me the pink Dyson vacuum from Target (which I proceeded to tell her was WAAAAY too expensive and that we only put it on there so people would give gift cards towards it) and she is so darn stubborn. So I took her to Target and we got it. And I am really excited about it, and then I feel lame for being excited about a vacuum. I'm 23, for goodness sake, I should be excited about a new club or something, not a vacuum. Oh well. Then we went home, picked up my grandpa and went out to lunch at Olive Garden. Yummers. Later that night, I hung out with my friend Kara, which is always a good time.
All in all, it was a lovely time.
Enjoy it!!
Can you be...
I never was a skinny kid. Not that I was always fat, but maybe....solid. What can I say? Simple carbohydrates have always been my friend...
Tuesday night, I started my new exercise DVD - the 30 Day Shred with Jillian from the Biggest Loser. And the next morning, I was HURTING. Like seriously. I suppose that means you know it was starting to work But it doesn't help much when you spend your days sitting at a desk (getting very stiff!) and your evenings cashing, lifting and pulling very heavy items.
Last night, only one day into it, I've fallen off the wagon. Stairs were a feat, there was no way I could make it through that workout. Kevin said I should just try it but even after being able to move all evening and try and stretch out, I was still so tight.
But I've come to the conclusion that the second day is ALWAYS the worst, for most things in life. Think about it, second day of a diet, second day of exercise, second day of your period...it always gets worse before it gets better. So tonight, even though I'm still hurting, I will be trying again. Maybe not quite as well as I did the first time, but it will be an honest effort.
The BIG List
Here it is:
- Book a DJ
o April’s friend (Pat)
o CJ Sound
o Make ‘must play’ and ‘do NOT play’ lists
§ Special music:
· BP intro
· Our intro
· Cake cutting
· First dance
· Father/daughter
· Mother/son
· Anniversary dance?
- Invitations
o How many are needed?
o Print your own from Michaels OR pocketfolds??
- Accessories
o Jewelry
§ Earrings
§ Necklace
§ Bracelet
o Shoes
§ Buy green or dye green?
§ Boots for outside pictures
o Undergarments
§ Bra
§ Underwear
§ Crinoline
o Veil
o Old, new, borrowed & blue??
- Wedding Party gifts
o Girls:
§ Personalized stationary
§ Tote bag?
§ Flip-flops
§ Hair appt (gift certificate?)
o Guys:
§ Something alcohol related?
- Wedding day beauty
o Make hair appointments for me and the girls (7 total)
o Make up with Meg
o Mani/pedi
o Decide on hairstyle
§ Half up, barrette
§ Headband
- Favors
o Buy Hershey bars
o Design & print labels
- Cake
o Choose a flavor
o Design?
o Topper
- Food
o Call reception hall to decide on food options
- Ceremony
o Choose readings
o Ceremony music
§ Moms’ entrance
§ Bridal party
§ ME!
§ Unity Candle
§ Sign of peace?
§ Recessional
o Ask readers
§ Steph
§ Kelly
§ Amanda
- Centerpieces
o Buy vases
o Buy candles
§ White votives
§ White floating candles
- Wish Jar
o Purchase jar
o Get more paper, finish wish cards
- Marriage license
- Hotel room for wedding night
- Make cardbox
- Aisle runner
o Print monogram
o Get paint
- Table numbers
o Movie quotes
o Famous couples
o Numbers with love quotes
- Church requirements
o Pre Canaa – Nov 9, 2-9 pm
o Meeting with Father G
- Photographer – Wozniaks
o Decide on package
o Must-take photos
- Wedding bands
o Buy Kevin’s ring
o Engraving?
- Programs
o Design & print
- Wedding Day Kit
o Hairspray
o Extra make up
o Tylenol
o Pepto
o Clear nail polish
o Extra stockings
o Sewing kit
o Bobby pins
- Cocktail napkins
o Emboss?
...So, I guess this means I have a lot of work ahead of myself. Of course, it's formatted so much nicer in Word, but you get the idea. I know what I'll be doing for the next 137 days (Thank you, Knot Gods, for taunting me everytime I log on for a little support, telling me how few days I have to throw everything together)...
Enjoy it!
Bill Cosby said it best...
Last night at work, a little boy (probably about 8) and his mother came through my line. The boy proceeded to tell me that no matter how hard he tries, his hands, arms and head are glued on and he cannot get them off....BUT when he dies, then he will be able to take his head off and his eyeballs out, and he can put them on backwards. And he will turn he nose upside-down. And put his mouth on the back of his head and his hair on his back.
The mother just asked if he was being silly.
Then he told me, "You know, my mom got a haircut and she looks pret-ty good."
The mother says, "Why would you tell her that?"
To which he replies, "Well at least I didn't tell her you look like a man....because you DO!"
When I tell Kevin this story, he just says things like "Makes you really want to start having kids so they can start making fun of you in public, huh? Are you SURE you want 5?!"
I just think, we'll take it one day and one baby at a time. Seriously, I've been bitten by the baby bug. But it still blows my mind that suddenly, "So are you going to have kids right away?" is a valid question for someone to ask (and just in case you're wondering, NO we won't be...we've been waiting a long time for it just to be the two of us...preferably living in the same city haha, so we'll be enjoying our time together before bringing someone else into the mix.)
Meanwhile, I was supposed to start my 30 day Shred last night, but I was a big sucker and ended up staying late at work. So it was pushed to tonight. I have more time in between jobs, so I will be able to fit it in today. I'm actually getting excited about it. A lot of people have been doing so well with it, I have hope that I will be able to push myself to stick to it. I anticipate being very sore tomorrow ;)
Enjoy it!
It's official...
I don't mind making the decisions, really. Well sort of. But the problem is putting them into action. Like the stupid invitations. They are just paper for chrissakes. I flat out refuse to spend more than $300 for a bunch of papers that will end up in the trash. Personally, I think that is too much, but I know that with all the postage and printing and nonsense, it just adds up.
I have been working at least 55 hours every week, getting up for work at 6:30 and finally falling into bed after midnight. I cried the whole drive into work today. I cried last night because I was trying to fix the stupid registry with the stupid china on it and I can't change the quantity (which I still haven't fixed).
I got into a fight with my friend Carolyn this weekend. She is making me so angry. In case you missed it, this is the same girl who made plans to go visit a friend in Texas when she had already known it was my bridal shower for at least a month. And I know she lives far and it would have been fine if she just didn't want to drive or something. It is that she is blowing me off for her Texas friend.
This weekend, we also fought about her blowing me off. She was fine on Friday because I came out by myself, Kevin just dropped us off and picked us up from the club. Then Saturday came around and she went to the football game with Kevin and I, and another couple - Kelly and Tucker (who were also staying with us at the apt). So she left and went to hang out with our friend Meghan instead of us. Then she invited people over to my apt to pregame without asking. At the bar, she and the other girls kept leaving us (the lepers...I mean, couples) out, not ordering our drinks with their and walking away without us. And then she acted like WE were being the rude ones when we sat at a table next to theirs instead of all milling around them like moths to a flame. So when we were about to move onto the third place of the evening (and one half of our couples were ready to pack it in for the night) I called her out on it. And she yelled at me about how hard it is to hang out with us, and that she doesn't want to be around couples all the time and she's sorry and so on blah blah blah. Then she walks away from me and up to another single friend and starts bitching about me and how I am being unreasonable. How insincere can you be? So I just went home with my horrible couple friends. Sorry I'm lame.
I hate having to worry about whether or not I can bring Kevin to things. They were staying at his apartment. I don't know why it would be expected that he wouldn't come out with us. I sometimes have this problem with my home friends. That is why it is easier and more fun to hang out with Kevin's friends, because they are couples. Actually, they are mostly married. So we are all in the same boat.
I hate having to leave all the time, and I feel like I am always saying goodbye to Kevin. And he'll look at me with these sad puppy eyes and say "I wish you didn't have to leave, and you could stay here with me" and its like a punch to the gut. It's only an hour and a half drive, not very far. But I feel like the way things are is too much. We've had all our weekends booked up since the beginning of June until the beginning of November...and then we'll be getting into the holidays and the impending wedding. It's like we're always playing catch-up, hurry up and wait. I'm just so tired. I'm just SO tired.
Ode to a Garbage Plate

*This is not for the faint of heart....or weak of stomach*
Oh, the garbage plate... a delictable culinary delight, available only in the good old city of Rochester NY. More specifically, at a location ending in the word "Hots" of questionable cleanliness, recommended more after a serious night of boozing, but good at all hours.
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways....
or another
Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more greasy and far more fattening
A garbage plate can contain a variety of things, but my personal favorite is a little more traditional. These originated at a place called Nick Tahoe's (wiki that if you don't believe me), but since that is in the seedy part of downtown, I'll stick with my Hots. Saturday night, post bar, I enjoyed a plate with 2 cheeseburgers, mac salad and home fries (little deep fried pellets of potato-y goodness), with extra ketchup please. Of course you can get things like hot dogs, grilled cheese, boneless wings, baked beans, or french fries mixed in too.
The one in the picture is covered in "hot sauce" which is more like spicy dog food, onions and mustard. It truly is just a disgusting looking thing, aptly named really. Especially if you're like me and you close the lid and shake it up before eating it. It sounds like it wouldn't all mix properly. It sounds like you might want to be sick just looking at it. It sounds like you probably shouldn't even feed it to your dog.
But you would be wrong. That sound is a heavenly chorus, with a slight background of your arteries hardening. Scrumptious. And trust me when I say that nothing could soak up all the alcohol you just drank better than this could.
Excuse me now, I don't want to drool on the keyboard.
mmm, enjoy it!
Just have to make it through today....
Today, I have to stay an extra hour (which is kinda crappy because today is my Friday, since I took off tomorrow) for a mandatory meeting with the big boss. Hopefully it isn't saying that we're all laid off. Which means I get an hour late start on all the things I need to do today - pick up Tyler, drive to the Alfred Angelo store in Rochester, probably won't get there until 7, have one hour to pick out her bridesmaid dress, meet her sister Brie for dinner, drive home, drop off Tyler, stop at Wegmans to grab some snacks for the weekend, pack my things and throw them in the car, go to sleep!
Tomorrow is the beginning of the Alumni Weekend festivities. I am thuper duper exthited to hang out with my college friends again. We are having a few of the girls stay at the apartment, so Kevin has been slowly cleaning things up all week (thank you soooo much, bunny!) and getting things ready.
Enjoy it!!