This will be the first New Years Eve that Kevin and I will spend together. Last year, he was still working at Barilla and had to go to work, so I ended up in Erie with my fave PA residents, Colleen and Mike. Which was wonderful, but there was a very lonely spell when the clock struck twelve, and my someone was 200 miles away.
We're keeping it low key this year, which really suits us. Kevin doesn't do well in crowds, and I'd rather go out to a bar or dancing with girlfriends. Since we don't live close to any of our friends, no one really feels like making the trek up to our place for a party. Looks like it will be a party for 2.
We're making some yummy food (chicken w. Italian dressing, crockpot meatballs) and I bought some champagne. I can't wait to just relax and enjoy the evening with my favorite man in the world.
I guess I should probably try to include some New Years Resolutions. I really don't know that I want to make any, because its pretty much a guarentee they won't last (except that one year I decided I wasn't eating french fries for a whole year, just to see if I could do it. And I did. See, I used to have will power! Where did it go?!?!), but I have a couple of general things I would like to keep in mind as I start this new year:
** I will try and make sure that my loved ones know how much I love and appreciate them, and all the wonderful things they bring to my life. I have a tendency to be sarcastic (moreso since I've been getting less sleep this year, thanks 2 jobs) and it really doesn't lend itself to being kind and appreciative for all those around you.
** I will tell Kevin I love him, every single day. Even if we are mad, or cranky or just having an off day, it doesn't mean the love is gone.
** I will try to eat more vegetables. This is a huge weak point for both Kevin and I.
** I will try and stop complaining, especially about my job. I am lucky to have a job. I am very lucky to have 2 jobs, when some people are unemployed. Its just a little hard to remember when my brain is sleepy.
What are your resolutions this year?
Have a safe and happy New Year, everyone!!
Thank goodness that's over
Well, Christmas was a complete whirlwind of family and travel and rain and food food and more food. I love Christmas, I love the music, the decorations, the time spent with family and friends. But seriously. I am so glad its over.
This year, with the wedding following so close on its's tails, Christmas kind of took a back seat. I've felt out of breath and out of sorts for the past few weeks trying to juggle 2 jobs, Christmas shopping and all my usual wedding stuff, PLUS trying to get invites in the mail.
I ended up giving Kevin a Wii, even though it was something he said he didn't want. Turns out, he was completely lying. He thought it was more expensive that it really was and wasn't willing to drop the $$ on it for himself. And then he spent all of Christmas bouncing around and saying "When can we go game shopping? When can we go GAME SHOPPING??" (love you babe!). So I did good there.
I made out like a fat rat in a cheese factory, as my father would say. Kevin gave me a new digital camera that is BEAUTIFUL (I would post some pics, but sadly, I left it at his parents and it won't be returned until Wed. I think). My parents gave me a necklace (that my sister picked up in Ireland), a pretty blue sweater, deliciously cozy fleece pjs, and some luggage for our upcoming trip. Kevin's mother gave me a jewelry set - pearl earrings, necklace and ring (way too much $$ right there), plus she got us a baker's rack for our kitchen and our 10 piece pot/pan set and some cookbooks. She always goes overboard.
Overall it was a wonderful Christmas for me. When I get my camera, I will post some pictures of the scarf I'm working on. I got some thick yarn and whacking huge needles, and I should be done today (which is only day 3 of its construction!)....
Glad I'm back!
Enjoy it!!
This year, with the wedding following so close on its's tails, Christmas kind of took a back seat. I've felt out of breath and out of sorts for the past few weeks trying to juggle 2 jobs, Christmas shopping and all my usual wedding stuff, PLUS trying to get invites in the mail.
I ended up giving Kevin a Wii, even though it was something he said he didn't want. Turns out, he was completely lying. He thought it was more expensive that it really was and wasn't willing to drop the $$ on it for himself. And then he spent all of Christmas bouncing around and saying "When can we go game shopping? When can we go GAME SHOPPING??" (love you babe!). So I did good there.
I made out like a fat rat in a cheese factory, as my father would say. Kevin gave me a new digital camera that is BEAUTIFUL (I would post some pics, but sadly, I left it at his parents and it won't be returned until Wed. I think). My parents gave me a necklace (that my sister picked up in Ireland), a pretty blue sweater, deliciously cozy fleece pjs, and some luggage for our upcoming trip. Kevin's mother gave me a jewelry set - pearl earrings, necklace and ring (way too much $$ right there), plus she got us a baker's rack for our kitchen and our 10 piece pot/pan set and some cookbooks. She always goes overboard.
Overall it was a wonderful Christmas for me. When I get my camera, I will post some pictures of the scarf I'm working on. I got some thick yarn and whacking huge needles, and I should be done today (which is only day 3 of its construction!)....
Glad I'm back!
Enjoy it!!
Christmastime is heeeeere...

Since it was completely miserable and the I-90 was closed from Rochester to Erie, PA, and also since my mother busted in my room at 6:14 to ask if I was still planning on going to work, and then telling me that I really should not go (this is the woman who on several occasions made me go to school with strep, or a serious cold, or some mono-type disease), I decided to call in to work. This weekend I went up to Rochester to visit Kevin and both the drive there and the drive home was completely treacherous and I spent most of my time following the car in front of me's taillights and tire tracks, I wasn't really to anxious to get back out there.
I have the best friends in the whole world.
Yesterday, in the midst of my breakdown (you know, the one about how nothing would be done for the wedding and all that jazz) I sent an email to my friend Kelly:
I am having a huge freakout. It just hit me yesterday exactly how little time I have left and I have SO much to do and how will I finish it all. I have no time. I have a huge ass and no time. My heart has been racing and my stomach has been hurting since last night. I am at work and all I can think about is how much more needs to be done and how I have NO time to do it.
Somehow I got so wrapped up in work that I completely missed the reply. I read it this morning and started crying again....but in a good way (damn hormones!):
My Dearest Meagan,
From my own experience I have had my share of breakdowns....this is how I have handled them
1. Alcohol
2. Counseling
3. More alcohol
4. Venting to friends
5. Still more alcohol
6. A 10 hour drive to virginia
7. Act like a psychopath
8.Pizza logs
everyone is different.....u have a good head on ur need for counseling, cross country traveling, or loss of sanity.....however alcohol, friends, and pizza logs are always nice....i can supply all 3, anytime, anywhere
your are preparing for one of the biggest transitions in your life....anyone would b nervous...anyone would want it to b perfect.....u knew u loved kevin before u knew was always real, even i believe that and i kno u do and this means that regardless of who sits at what table, how good the music is, if the flowers are on time, what anyone looks like, what ANYONE ELSE THINKS, or how much money is spend.....the whole point of all if it is for you and kevin to show each other how much u love each other by making this commitement....and that is the one thing that cant b unfinished, or not turn out perfect....and that is the only thing that dont take away from all this by letting it stress u out and taking one shred or the WHOLE POINT of this away....just get threw xmas, u can only do what u can do.....and after xmas i am on break from school, so if u need help with getting anything done or any details, i am always available, just remember to keep a part of the fun in all of it
As if this was not enough, I also got many offers of help from all of my bridesmaids, including my friend Tracy coming over last night and helping to re-stick all the invitations because the original adhesive wasn't really standing up the challenge or being opened and closed and handled.
Also, Kevin is feeling a little guilt (24 hours of phone calls to me where I ultimately end up sniffling and in tears will do that to a person) about not helping much with plans (although, to be honest, I've not really asked for help from anyone, so he shouldn't feel so bad). So he helped me cross something off the list - booking a hotel room for the wedding night (it was a bit more expensive than I was planning on, but since I didn't have to do anything, and it made Kevin feel good to help and more importantly because he contributes way more to the wedding fund than I do and he's the one who is more controlled on the spending, then I don't care. Its done and I am very very happy about that).
I know I bitch a lot (on a variety of subjects) but I am really so so so lucky to be surrounded by these wonderful people. I hope you have people like this in your life, because it really helps you keep sane.
Enjoy it!
I am having a huge freakout. It just hit me yesterday exactly how little time I have left and I have SO much to do and how will I finish it all. I have no time. I have a huge ass and no time. My heart has been racing and my stomach has been hurting since last night. I am at work and all I can think about is how much more needs to be done and how I have NO time to do it.
Somehow I got so wrapped up in work that I completely missed the reply. I read it this morning and started crying again....but in a good way (damn hormones!):
My Dearest Meagan,
From my own experience I have had my share of breakdowns....this is how I have handled them
1. Alcohol
2. Counseling
3. More alcohol
4. Venting to friends
5. Still more alcohol
6. A 10 hour drive to virginia
7. Act like a psychopath
8.Pizza logs
everyone is different.....u have a good head on ur need for counseling, cross country traveling, or loss of sanity.....however alcohol, friends, and pizza logs are always nice....i can supply all 3, anytime, anywhere
your are preparing for one of the biggest transitions in your life....anyone would b nervous...anyone would want it to b perfect.....u knew u loved kevin before u knew was always real, even i believe that and i kno u do and this means that regardless of who sits at what table, how good the music is, if the flowers are on time, what anyone looks like, what ANYONE ELSE THINKS, or how much money is spend.....the whole point of all if it is for you and kevin to show each other how much u love each other by making this commitement....and that is the one thing that cant b unfinished, or not turn out perfect....and that is the only thing that dont take away from all this by letting it stress u out and taking one shred or the WHOLE POINT of this away....just get threw xmas, u can only do what u can do.....and after xmas i am on break from school, so if u need help with getting anything done or any details, i am always available, just remember to keep a part of the fun in all of it
As if this was not enough, I also got many offers of help from all of my bridesmaids, including my friend Tracy coming over last night and helping to re-stick all the invitations because the original adhesive wasn't really standing up the challenge or being opened and closed and handled.
Also, Kevin is feeling a little guilt (24 hours of phone calls to me where I ultimately end up sniffling and in tears will do that to a person) about not helping much with plans (although, to be honest, I've not really asked for help from anyone, so he shouldn't feel so bad). So he helped me cross something off the list - booking a hotel room for the wedding night (it was a bit more expensive than I was planning on, but since I didn't have to do anything, and it made Kevin feel good to help and more importantly because he contributes way more to the wedding fund than I do and he's the one who is more controlled on the spending, then I don't care. Its done and I am very very happy about that).
I know I bitch a lot (on a variety of subjects) but I am really so so so lucky to be surrounded by these wonderful people. I hope you have people like this in your life, because it really helps you keep sane.
Enjoy it!
Our Tree Topper
Look we got a new tree topper:
I can't believe
there are only 66 days until the wedding. It really hit me hard yesterday when I noticed that someone on the discussion board I frequent had a ticker that had dropped to 1 month, 29 days...And when I say it hit me hard, I mean I had a stomach ache and could have potentially thrown up at any moment for the rest of the night, was a nervous wreck and wound up like an 8 day clock. I feel like I don't have any time to do all the things I need to do.
66 days and I still have so much to do and NO time to do it. I have to get the invitations out by next Friday, and they are not even finished yet, let alone addressed. I need to call and make an appt for a dress fitting, I need to get a crinoline and a veil and all my jewelry. I need to design my favors and get those started. I need to meet with the priest (which I believe involves bringing Kevin with me) so I can pick out the music and readings, so I can do the programs. I still need large bowls for my centerpieces, and approx 130 votives and 80 floating candles. I need a cake topper, a cake design, a wish jar, a hotel room for the wedding night, a cardbox, an aisle runner, table numbers, and a marriage license. I need to pay the balance on our honeymoon and make sure that Kevin and I have enough appropriate clothes for a week in 80 degree weather, including restaurants with dress codes and a LOT of sunscreen. OH and I need to meet with the photographer to pick out a package and discuss details so I don't end up angry on our wedding day that someone is barking out orders to me.
My stomach ache is back :/
On the bright side, it should help with the whole ass-fitting-in-the-dress thing.
Enjoy it!
66 days and I still have so much to do and NO time to do it. I have to get the invitations out by next Friday, and they are not even finished yet, let alone addressed. I need to call and make an appt for a dress fitting, I need to get a crinoline and a veil and all my jewelry. I need to design my favors and get those started. I need to meet with the priest (which I believe involves bringing Kevin with me) so I can pick out the music and readings, so I can do the programs. I still need large bowls for my centerpieces, and approx 130 votives and 80 floating candles. I need a cake topper, a cake design, a wish jar, a hotel room for the wedding night, a cardbox, an aisle runner, table numbers, and a marriage license. I need to pay the balance on our honeymoon and make sure that Kevin and I have enough appropriate clothes for a week in 80 degree weather, including restaurants with dress codes and a LOT of sunscreen. OH and I need to meet with the photographer to pick out a package and discuss details so I don't end up angry on our wedding day that someone is barking out orders to me.
My stomach ache is back :/
On the bright side, it should help with the whole ass-fitting-in-the-dress thing.
Enjoy it!
Fiance from Heaven
Normally I would say I am the weaker link in the relationship. Kevin is so kind and caring and just generally good hearted that I am 1000000% positive I pale in comparison. But I got an oppurtunity to make up some ground this morning...
It all started with the other day. Apparently our landlords at the apartment have had to come out a LOT lately to let people in who have locked themselves out of their apartments. To remedy this, they are now charging $20 for a trip out (they live less than 5 minutes away and the man is there all the time anyhow since his tools and things are in the garage at this property)...which is pretty much highway robbery. We've never locked ourselves out, so it was kind of punishing us for a crime we hadn't yet committed.
But obviously, as soon as it cost money, it happened.
Kevin was on A shift this week, so he was supposed to be at work at 6 am. At 5:25, my cell phone starts going off. It's Kevin, and he's locked himself out. He doesn't want to call the landlady since 1 - she is a huge bitch, 2 - its going to cost $20, 3 - its 5am and 4 - we have two kittens and are only allowed to have one. And so, up I get, put on some work clothes and drive out to the apartment, an hour and a half away, at 5:30am.
The bonus part to this (other than getting to see Kevin) was that since I went to bed around 12:30am the night before, I decided to stay and sleep a couple hours in my glorious comfy new bed and come in for the afternoon at work. I love my bed. And I got to see my kitties. I love them too.
So here I am, at work for the afternoon. I *could* have just turned around when I got there and only been about an hour late to work, but since I have to work tonight until midnight, I knew I would never make it tomorrow that way. So I figured one morning was better than one whole day. And its only 2 more months here, right?
UPDATE - I finished cutting all my invitations stuff last night, stuffed them all in the pockets and almost all of them have an RSVP envelopes (I have about 30 left because I ran out of stamps)....I am inching ever closer to finishing the damn things. My mom's like "They look so beautiful" to which I very crankily responded "I hate them. They look alright, but they were so NOT worth the effort." Maybe I wouldn't hate them so much if I had just a little more time. Gah, the wedding is coming up so quickly and I am so busy!
Enjoy it!!
It all started with the other day. Apparently our landlords at the apartment have had to come out a LOT lately to let people in who have locked themselves out of their apartments. To remedy this, they are now charging $20 for a trip out (they live less than 5 minutes away and the man is there all the time anyhow since his tools and things are in the garage at this property)...which is pretty much highway robbery. We've never locked ourselves out, so it was kind of punishing us for a crime we hadn't yet committed.
But obviously, as soon as it cost money, it happened.
Kevin was on A shift this week, so he was supposed to be at work at 6 am. At 5:25, my cell phone starts going off. It's Kevin, and he's locked himself out. He doesn't want to call the landlady since 1 - she is a huge bitch, 2 - its going to cost $20, 3 - its 5am and 4 - we have two kittens and are only allowed to have one. And so, up I get, put on some work clothes and drive out to the apartment, an hour and a half away, at 5:30am.
The bonus part to this (other than getting to see Kevin) was that since I went to bed around 12:30am the night before, I decided to stay and sleep a couple hours in my glorious comfy new bed and come in for the afternoon at work. I love my bed. And I got to see my kitties. I love them too.
So here I am, at work for the afternoon. I *could* have just turned around when I got there and only been about an hour late to work, but since I have to work tonight until midnight, I knew I would never make it tomorrow that way. So I figured one morning was better than one whole day. And its only 2 more months here, right?
UPDATE - I finished cutting all my invitations stuff last night, stuffed them all in the pockets and almost all of them have an RSVP envelopes (I have about 30 left because I ran out of stamps)....I am inching ever closer to finishing the damn things. My mom's like "They look so beautiful" to which I very crankily responded "I hate them. They look alright, but they were so NOT worth the effort." Maybe I wouldn't hate them so much if I had just a little more time. Gah, the wedding is coming up so quickly and I am so busy!
Enjoy it!!
Steph & Joe's Wedding
My dear, dear friend Steph got married in August and just sent me the link to her photos. Seriously, it is the most beautiful wedding and she is breathtaking in each and every they just walked out of a magazine. Steph and her family have a reputation to spaz out, but the whole day she was just calm, poised and gorgeous...even as I held up her dress so she could pee haha!
Obviously, I must must share these, if only to spread some of my jealousy to you all. Thanks to her amazing photographer, The RedHeaded Ninja, who did a great job...
Hanging out before it's time to get dressed
And reading Glamour, I think...

The gorgeous bride
Me (all frumpy and with my hair wilted) with the gorgeous bride
Helping her with her earrings...
I made this!!!
One of the little flower girls, Emma
Don't they look like a magazine couple?
Seriously, if I didn't love them so much, I would hate them for how amazing these pictures are

This swing was on the school grounds where the wedding and reception were held
Me and Emma, deep in conversation about which Jonas Brother is cuter
Obviously, I must must share these, if only to spread some of my jealousy to you all. Thanks to her amazing photographer, The RedHeaded Ninja, who did a great job...

This swing was on the school grounds where the wedding and reception were held

I tried to load them right but no such luck)
The funny thing is, both the ex and the fiance are named Kevin. And they are polar opposites, tiny little guy and BIG man. I got upgraded!
Enjoy it
Once again...
I am working on my flipping invitations. I seriously hate hate hate with the fire of one thousand suns hate invitations. The ones I liked that I could get already made were too expensive, and the ones I could afford were too plain or didn't come in my color or I just didn't like.
So I was being a brat and decided I would make my own. I don't have time to do know, the clean clothes i need to wear every day to work so I am not the creepy smelly coworker...I don't have time for that. So I don't know when I thought I was going to have the time to make these invitations.
But I bought the pocketfolds, I designed the inserts, I figured everything out, I called in to work one day and went to have everything copied. I spent a whole weekend cutting them up into the appropriate sizes. I spent another weekend pasting the invitation part into the pocket fold.
And then it hit me....
RSVPs need to go in an envelope. Envelopes come in 3 5/8 x 5 1/ RSVPs were 3 3/4 x 5 1/2....half an inch too tall and quarter inch too wide. And all the other inserts were sized to fall in line with these.
Back to the drawing board.
So last night, I tried to salvage what I had, but since it just wasn't happening, I resized everything, finalized the directions inserts and headed back out to Office Max to have everything re-copied.
Regularly the copies are $.99/1 color copy on cardstock. However, the last time I did them, this VERY nice woman was there and only charged me $.59/piece. This time, the SAME woman was there! Thank you thank you thank you! She only charged me $.59/piece and I needed 242 copies and she only charged for 162. She just left 80 off. For no reason.
And so:
Dear very kind hearted woman at Office Max:
Thank you so so so much for helping me out with the copies. I really appreciate you giving me a discount on the copying, because I really couldn't afford to spend the almost $240 in re-printing everything. I really hope you have a wonderful holiday and get lots of happy things from Santa. You are officially my invitation angel. Thanks again!
-A very desperate bride-to-be
Last night, I began recutting everything. It's very tedious, but I hope to have it done by this weekend. I also apparently need to order 10 more pocketfolds, 10 more envelopes, and 10 more RSVP envelopes, and print 10 more invitations out. Because my mother keeps adding to the list.
I cannot wait for Feb 22, so I can begin my glorious week in Antigua. Le sigh.
On a side note, I am up to 7lbs lost. Hopefully my butt will fit in my dress and lay flat. Finger crossed that I make it by the wedding!
Enjoy it!!
So I was being a brat and decided I would make my own. I don't have time to do know, the clean clothes i need to wear every day to work so I am not the creepy smelly coworker...I don't have time for that. So I don't know when I thought I was going to have the time to make these invitations.
But I bought the pocketfolds, I designed the inserts, I figured everything out, I called in to work one day and went to have everything copied. I spent a whole weekend cutting them up into the appropriate sizes. I spent another weekend pasting the invitation part into the pocket fold.
And then it hit me....
RSVPs need to go in an envelope. Envelopes come in 3 5/8 x 5 1/ RSVPs were 3 3/4 x 5 1/2....half an inch too tall and quarter inch too wide. And all the other inserts were sized to fall in line with these.
Back to the drawing board.
So last night, I tried to salvage what I had, but since it just wasn't happening, I resized everything, finalized the directions inserts and headed back out to Office Max to have everything re-copied.
Regularly the copies are $.99/1 color copy on cardstock. However, the last time I did them, this VERY nice woman was there and only charged me $.59/piece. This time, the SAME woman was there! Thank you thank you thank you! She only charged me $.59/piece and I needed 242 copies and she only charged for 162. She just left 80 off. For no reason.
And so:
Dear very kind hearted woman at Office Max:
Thank you so so so much for helping me out with the copies. I really appreciate you giving me a discount on the copying, because I really couldn't afford to spend the almost $240 in re-printing everything. I really hope you have a wonderful holiday and get lots of happy things from Santa. You are officially my invitation angel. Thanks again!
-A very desperate bride-to-be
Last night, I began recutting everything. It's very tedious, but I hope to have it done by this weekend. I also apparently need to order 10 more pocketfolds, 10 more envelopes, and 10 more RSVP envelopes, and print 10 more invitations out. Because my mother keeps adding to the list.
I cannot wait for Feb 22, so I can begin my glorious week in Antigua. Le sigh.
On a side note, I am up to 7lbs lost. Hopefully my butt will fit in my dress and lay flat. Finger crossed that I make it by the wedding!
Enjoy it!!
Prayers for Max
**I don't know these people. This is just a blog I happened to see one time or another and I was just captivated by their story. Their faith through their pain is remarkable.**
I just want to remind everyone to pray for Baby Max and his family. Max was born Friday December 5 at 7:32am. He spent his precious time surrounded by his family, completely loved and cherished. He died around 10:20am.
Please pray for Max and his family during this time of loss. Although Max was diagnosed with T18 and deemed "incompatable with life" by doctors, his parents chose to continue with the pregnancy and were able to surround him with the love and comfort they thought he deserved.
I just want to remind everyone to pray for Baby Max and his family. Max was born Friday December 5 at 7:32am. He spent his precious time surrounded by his family, completely loved and cherished. He died around 10:20am.
Please pray for Max and his family during this time of loss. Although Max was diagnosed with T18 and deemed "incompatable with life" by doctors, his parents chose to continue with the pregnancy and were able to surround him with the love and comfort they thought he deserved.
Lazy weekends
I had a lovely, relaxing weekend with Kevin at the apartment. I picked up our Christmas tree (fake) from my grandma's house. She graciously gave us her old tree, because she has downsized to a table top tree. So, I loaded it in my mom's Saturn Vue and drove up to the apartment. Kevin helped me carry it in, and since I took it there mostly assembled and with the lights already on it, it was a pretty quick set up.
We ran out to Target to get some ornaments and a topper for our little tree. We ended up with red and silver ornaments. I've never been one for making a coordinating tree like that, but until I get all my ornaments from my house, this is it. ALSO we chose the shatterproof ones, because we correctly guessed that the kitties would like to play there. We also stopped at Wegmans and grabbed some groceries. I made a delicious chicken sandwich (a la The Pioneer Woman) and also some homemade tomato sauce.
By 7:30, I was done for the night. I went and snoozed in bed, and Kevin watched the hockey game with me. The kitties came in and snuggled up with us, and slept all over me. I stayed in bed until 9:30 the next morning. I love lazy weekends. They are SO wonderful. I got up and made some pancakes for breakfast and also assembled the lasagne that Kevin asked me to make.
Then we just relaxed all morning. The kittens have apparently adopted me as their new pillow because they pinned me down for hours, sleeping and playing on my lap.
All in all, it was just a nice weekend.
Oh, also I gave Kevin the tungsten band I got him. He didn't remember that it was one year since he proposed (although he did remember that is was Pearl Harbor Day....). But he really loved the ring, and was very surprised that I had gotten him 2 rings. I am sneaky ;) .
Here are a few pictures of our little babies from the weekend:
We ran out to Target to get some ornaments and a topper for our little tree. We ended up with red and silver ornaments. I've never been one for making a coordinating tree like that, but until I get all my ornaments from my house, this is it. ALSO we chose the shatterproof ones, because we correctly guessed that the kitties would like to play there. We also stopped at Wegmans and grabbed some groceries. I made a delicious chicken sandwich (a la The Pioneer Woman) and also some homemade tomato sauce.
By 7:30, I was done for the night. I went and snoozed in bed, and Kevin watched the hockey game with me. The kitties came in and snuggled up with us, and slept all over me. I stayed in bed until 9:30 the next morning. I love lazy weekends. They are SO wonderful. I got up and made some pancakes for breakfast and also assembled the lasagne that Kevin asked me to make.
Then we just relaxed all morning. The kittens have apparently adopted me as their new pillow because they pinned me down for hours, sleeping and playing on my lap.
All in all, it was just a nice weekend.
Oh, also I gave Kevin the tungsten band I got him. He didn't remember that it was one year since he proposed (although he did remember that is was Pearl Harbor Day....). But he really loved the ring, and was very surprised that I had gotten him 2 rings. I am sneaky ;) .
Here are a few pictures of our little babies from the weekend:
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