
I have the best friends in the whole world.

Yesterday, in the midst of my breakdown (you know, the one about how nothing would be done for the wedding and all that jazz) I sent an email to my friend Kelly:

I am having a huge freakout. It just hit me yesterday exactly how little time I have left and I have SO much to do and how will I finish it all. I have no time. I have a huge ass and no time. My heart has been racing and my stomach has been hurting since last night. I am at work and all I can think about is how much more needs to be done and how I have NO time to do it.

Somehow I got so wrapped up in work that I completely missed the reply. I read it this morning and started crying again....but in a good way (damn hormones!):

My Dearest Meagan,
From my own experience I have had my share of breakdowns....this is how I have handled them
1. Alcohol
2. Counseling
3. More alcohol
4. Venting to friends
5. Still more alcohol
6. A 10 hour drive to virginia
7. Act like a psychopath
8.Pizza logs

everyone is different.....u have a good head on ur shoulders....no need for counseling, cross country traveling, or loss of sanity.....however alcohol, friends, and pizza logs are always nice....i can supply all 3, anytime, anywhere

your are preparing for one of the biggest transitions in your life....anyone would b nervous...anyone would want it to b perfect.....u knew u loved kevin before u knew him....it was always real, even i believe that and i kno u do and this means that regardless of who sits at what table, how good the music is, if the flowers are on time, what anyone looks like, what ANYONE ELSE THINKS, or how much money is spend.....the whole point of all if it is for you and kevin to show each other how much u love each other by making this commitement....and that is the one thing that cant b unfinished, or not turn out perfect....and that is the only thing that matters....so dont take away from all this by letting it stress u out and taking one shred or the WHOLE POINT of this away....just get threw xmas, u can only do what u can do.....and after xmas i am on break from school, so if u need help with getting anything done or any details, i am always available, just remember to keep a part of the fun in all of it

As if this was not enough, I also got many offers of help from all of my bridesmaids, including my friend Tracy coming over last night and helping to re-stick all the invitations because the original adhesive wasn't really standing up the challenge or being opened and closed and handled.

Also, Kevin is feeling a little guilt (24 hours of phone calls to me where I ultimately end up sniffling and in tears will do that to a person) about not helping much with plans (although, to be honest, I've not really asked for help from anyone, so he shouldn't feel so bad). So he helped me cross something off the list - booking a hotel room for the wedding night (it was a bit more expensive than I was planning on, but since I didn't have to do anything, and it made Kevin feel good to help and more importantly because he contributes way more to the wedding fund than I do and he's the one who is more controlled on the spending, then I don't care. Its done and I am very very happy about that).

I know I bitch a lot (on a variety of subjects) but I am really so so so lucky to be surrounded by these wonderful people. I hope you have people like this in your life, because it really helps you keep sane.

Enjoy it!

1 comment:

Mrs. Boom said...

Great friends rock! That is one of the sweetest e-mails I have ever read. You are blessed in many ways!