
Christmastime is heeeeere...

First things first: to eliminate the need for inner envelopes, I made these tags (instead of our monogram) to include everyone who the invitations is for. And I finished them all this weekend, and pasted them on all the invitations. Woohoo!

Here is the famed Christmas tree. My mother is a nut. She has spent at least 6 days cleaning for Christmas, taking everything off the attic, unpacking, putting things together, reconfiguring, trying to remember how she had them last year and at least a solid two hours staring and saying "Oh I just LOVE my village. It's such a nice village."

Tall way.

Remember the story about the pear and the apple? Here they are!

Here's the hill, on the side of the village. Note how the peoples on the pond have all fallen face first into the center, even the snowman bit it.

The country house, with a white picket fence and a bridge.
See the kissing couple? They're my faves.

The playground, for all the village children (this is a very well-planned village)

This is the town square, with the big tree and carolers.

The wharf on the side of the town

Enjoy it!!

1 comment:

Mrs. Boom said...

LOVE the people tags on your invites...they look beautiful :-)
The tree pics are making me sorry we didn't just go ahead and put one up. Guess I'll get my fills at mom and dad's later this week!