
I'm an apple!

Well, its been a slow news day in my world so I want to tell you a little story.

My cousin Tyler and I have always been close. We are the same age and since there aren't so many girls in the family (even though you have 13 cousins on that one side alone!), I guess we were destined.

Once when we were younger (around 8), Tyler and her sister Brie, and me and my sister Emily were spending the day with our grandmother. She lived near a park/golf course area and we liked to take walks around. This paticular day, Tyler and I were doing our normal thing - talking with each other and walking 10 feet in front of the rest of the troops.

My grandmother turned to Brie and said, "Look at them, aren't they a pair?"

To which Emily (who was around 5 at the time), responded very cheerfully, "And I'm an APPLE, Grandma!"

To Emily's chagrin, this story is retold many, many times - especially when it comes Christmas time. Why, you ask? Because that year, my grandma gave us two very special ornaments - a pear and an apple!

Enjoy it!!

1 comment:

Mrs. Boom said...

That is the cutest story!!!