
Double digits

Wow. 99 days. Double digits.

Guess we're in the home stretch.

If I could just finish those invitations by Thanksgiving, then I will feel better.

Also, I think we've finally decided on a DJ. My mom's choice. Which I am fine with. Its a guy, Sax Man Slim - during dinner he plays sax along with instrumental tracks. Then he doubles as a dj. My mom is in love with the sax, so she is really loving this man.

Yesterday I have my annual appointment with Laura, the best nurse practitioner a girl with a severe phobia to the medical profession could ever ask for. I made it through the whole appointment, but then for no apparent reason started to cry. I would blame the bc pills, but I know its just being there that sets me off. But Laura is great - she never lets it bother her, just continues doing her job, which helps me to calm down faster.

Although, she did veto the whole IUD scenario. I'm sure if I looked around, I could find someone willing to do it for me, but I don't really have the time or energy right now, so it will have to wait until post-wedding. I am switching pills though, so hopefully that will help - fingers crossed, I won't be all emotional like a 13 yr old anymore!

I'm headed out to Erie PA tomorrow afternoon for a lovely evening (aka birthday extravaganza!!) with the Trifecta, Mike and some other lovely Erie inhabitants.

Enjoy it!

1 comment:

The Pittsburgh Pair said...

S. and I want an IUD for me as well, but it ain't going to happen for me either, since I've never had a kid and I guess they prefer that you do. Umm, newsflash, we're trying to get the IUD to keep from having a kid ever, LOL.

Let me know if you make any progress on this. The pill is too easy to screw up IMO.