
Lazy weekends

I had a lovely, relaxing weekend with Kevin at the apartment. I picked up our Christmas tree (fake) from my grandma's house. She graciously gave us her old tree, because she has downsized to a table top tree. So, I loaded it in my mom's Saturn Vue and drove up to the apartment. Kevin helped me carry it in, and since I took it there mostly assembled and with the lights already on it, it was a pretty quick set up.

We ran out to Target to get some ornaments and a topper for our little tree. We ended up with red and silver ornaments. I've never been one for making a coordinating tree like that, but until I get all my ornaments from my house, this is it. ALSO we chose the shatterproof ones, because we correctly guessed that the kitties would like to play there. We also stopped at Wegmans and grabbed some groceries. I made a delicious chicken sandwich (a la The Pioneer Woman) and also some homemade tomato sauce.

By 7:30, I was done for the night. I went and snoozed in bed, and Kevin watched the hockey game with me. The kitties came in and snuggled up with us, and slept all over me. I stayed in bed until 9:30 the next morning. I love lazy weekends. They are SO wonderful. I got up and made some pancakes for breakfast and also assembled the lasagne that Kevin asked me to make.

Then we just relaxed all morning. The kittens have apparently adopted me as their new pillow because they pinned me down for hours, sleeping and playing on my lap.

All in all, it was just a nice weekend.

Oh, also I gave Kevin the tungsten band I got him. He didn't remember that it was one year since he proposed (although he did remember that is was Pearl Harbor Day....). But he really loved the ring, and was very surprised that I had gotten him 2 rings. I am sneaky ;) .

Here are a few pictures of our little babies from the weekend:

See, they are as big as the remote!

Kevin was very amused by how we were sleeping

Vivienne, hanging out in the tree

Snuggly in a blanket

See, they're buddies!


Yay for Vivienne and Oscar!

Here's to lazy weekends, snuggly kitties and yummy food!
Enjoy it!!

1 comment:

Meg said...

They are soooo cute!!! i love the pic of Viv in the tree!!! They truly are bestest good friends!! I'm glad you had such a great relaxing weekend, that's wonderful!! =)