
Anatomy of a Weekend

Ah the weekend…a gift from the gods as a reward for the feeble toiling we do all week locked in an office and chained to a desk. So why is it that my weekends have not been restful since the time Kevin and I got engaged?? Ah me, at least there are only 29 days left of this madness!! Squeeeee!

So anyhow, here is the big to do list for this weekend:

- Make up a mock program and mock favor wrapper so I can go have copies made
- Trace monogram onto aisle runner

- Silver and black pens for the Wish Jar
- Flip flops for the bridesmaids (Sizes 6/8/8/9/10/10)
- 130 white unscented votive candles
- Hershey bars for favors/escort cards (approx 240)
- Supplies for Wedding Day Emergency kit ( Tylenol / pepto / clear nail polish / hair spray / bobby pins / safety pins / band aids / Nos / ????)
- CD holders to organize DVDs and reduce the clutter

- Paint aisle runner (carefully this time!)
- Make copies of monograms for programs and wrappers for favors
- Fold papers for programs
- Mount monograms on lt green paper, attach to outside of programs
- Make crystal monograms for bridesmaid gifts
- Iron on “bride” appliqué for my white tote.

- Figure out what pictures to use for the cardbox
- Clean and pack my room (we’ll see how this goes)

I am also *hopefully* getting together with a local knottie, for what I don’t know yet. Wish me luck on getting through all this! Hopefully I will have a good report and plenty of pictures on Monday ; )

Enjoy it

1 comment:

Mrs. Boom said...

Wow, your weekend is even more ambitious than mine! Good luck with everything. Can't wait to see pics of some of the finished things :-)