
Ugh, work...

And for the second week in a row, I have 22 hours at the 2nd job, bringing my weekly total to 62 hours... and hence the return of my arch-nemesis, PermaHeadache! Seriously, my brain is aching (hold your snarky comments about how "its thinking, go with it" please...clearly I have an attitude of my own). The girl who used to do the schedule left and there is someone new, who clearly, I need to have a little chat with. Geez, I bet this isn't a conversation they have very often "Mr. Schedule-Writer, I need LESS hours please..."

Also, I am having a dilemma of sorts. I am really struggling about the stupid invitations. On one hand, they are paper products - people are going to lose them and throw them out and so really I don't want to invest too much time/money into them. On the other hand, they are the things that set the tone for the wedding, the first thing people see. And at least before they throw them out, my guests might look and think "wow these look really nice" or "geez, these look like crap." And I want the first one.

Originally I was thinking of doing some pocketfolds on my own - I made a few mock-ups and everything. But in the end, I have limited time (see - first paragraph) and do I really want to put so much into something that will be thrown away? Not really - and it wasn't going to be any cheaper than getting invitations made. Then Joann's started carrying a pocketfold. And its ok. I mean, the whole thing is white, which is not my fave, but I'm sure I could personalize it at least a little bit. Plus, buying them with the 40% off coupon is a huge perk. But then I found the cardandpockets.com website and thought, "oh, no coupon, a little more $$, but it could be exactly how I want it..." So I guess I have to think about it. Have a little chatski with my mom.

So glad today is Friday!! Tenative plans this weekend include an appt with the floral dept at Wegmans, cleaning/laundry (we'll see what actually gets done here), hanging out with my long lost friend Tracy, who I haven't see in ages, to watch some cheesy movies and relax, plus a trip to a bridal show and hopefully getting some huge checks accomplished.

Enjoy it!

1 comment:

The Pittsburgh Pair said...

Hey, I was going to make my own pocketfolds too, but again, with limited time like you (I work, go to grad school, and work on the weekends), I decided to find someone to make me the pocketfolds.

A local wedding planner (and a former Knottie from my local) is making them for $150 plus materials. She gets a discount on the materials too, since she is a business owner. Have you tried asking a talented bride or former bride on your local to make them for a fee? I am so glad I did that because I didn't even know where to start and I can still get what I want. Just a thought!