
Sweet Sweet Victory

Apparently the "saving up my Wegmans checks" was all Kevin needed to know I was serious about the king bed situation. And that means...

Victory is MINE!

And it is sooo lovely to think about my glorious new mattress. I mean, it will probably be about another month+ before I can afford it with just Wegmans checks, but there seriously is no rush for the new bed so that is ok.

More backstory on the bed situation:
Up until Sept 1 when we (and by we, I mean Kevin) moved into the new apartment, if we were sharing a bed, it was a twin. And that is no small feat. Kevin is 6', 300+lbs, former offensive line football player. He is a BIG man. And I am not petite by any stretch of the imagination. Short and squat - yes, petite - no.
Now, we don't mind sleeping snuggled up. In fact, we love it. But quite frankly, that might not always be the case. Sometimes it is too hot, sometimes someone is sick, sometimes you are just not in the mood. And therefore - big bed.

So all that is left now is to actually go out shopping for mattresses. Upon the advice of my very wise Aunt Colleen, I have been instructed to wear comfy clothes, shoes that slide off easily, and a stack of post it notes. Her fool-proof system is to simply go around the store, lay down and try them all out. If you like it, stick a post it note. If not, skip it. Then you can go back and eliminate from the good ones. So we have a plan!

Also, last night I went out to dinner with my dear cousin Tyler and had some yummy yummy salmon and a tasty glass of wine. And taught her to knit. She did very well, and I was proud of her. Hopefully she will be able to continue it - she works as a caretaker for a small group home with 3 physically disabled people and would like to make them blankets for Christmas. Personally, it took me from August to December to finish one blanket for my future mother-in-law, but perhaps she will be able to stick with it better than I could. Good luck dear!

Tomorrow is my first bridal shower, given by my FMIL, and I am very excited about it. But also very nervous. Firstly, Kevin's family doesn't have get-togethers very often so I have only met these women approx twice. Secondly, I am awful with names, esp when 3/4 of them start with J. Thirdly, I don't really like all the attention to be on me, so I am glad to have my mother and friends there to help me out. It should be a lot of fun!

Enjoy it!!


Meg said...

Meag, you are going to have soo much fun at your shower!!! I hope ya'll get lots of goodies!!! ALso, I'm super impressed by your knitting skills, I want to learn soo bad!! was it hard to do??

Meagan said...

Meg - it wasn't too hard to learn (I like to consider myself a pretty crafty person) but I do have two aunts that are amazing knitters who have helped me out many a time. And I also worked with a little Irish lady who taught knitting at a local craft store, so when I wa just starting out, I had a lot of support. Once you get the two basic stitches down, you can do a lot with it. Then everything is just variations of that!

Mrs. Boom said...

You're going to have a great time! Enjoy it. And, YAY for winning the mattress battle!!!!