An interesting Thanksgiving night...
WEDNESDAY - It was KITTEN DAY! The kittens arrived at the house around 4:30. And they pretty much hated us. The woman who dropped them off graciously let us keep the carrier they were in for the weekend, which was good because she would have been there for about 4 hours waiting for them to come out. We got them all set up in the kitchen and that was that. Oscar came out first, began exploring and then promptly hid under the table and slept for the next couple hours. Viv wouldn't even come out of the crate. It took her until about 10pm to come out of her own free will. They warmed up enough to come out, run around and play, but not to let us pet them. They also weren't very happy when I had to put them back in the carrier for the night (don't ask, they were at my mom's house and she hates animals so these are the concessions I had to make).
THURSDAY - Got up and let the kittens out of the crate. Oscar ran up to me and let me pet him adn played around. Viv was comfortable enough to come near but if I tried to pet her, or pretty much just looked her in the eyes, she ran away. Also, they don't really want to be bothered with sitting with you (they are kittens after all, they have a lot of playing to do!) but they also don't like it if you aren't in the room with them. There were no accidents during the night, they are doing VERY well with their litter box and Viv FINALLY decided to come out and eat, which was good.
We first went to my mom's sister's for dinner. My great aunt that was there is like rubbing a cheese grater on your nerves, but other than that, we made it through. Came home, checked on the babies and then off to my dad's brother's for dessert. By the time we show up there, everyone else is winding down, so we only stayed for about an hour and a half. Which was ok because we were all just watching a movie anyway.
We ran back to my house, grabbed the babies, loaded everything up and headed back to Rochester. About half way, Kevin complained that his arms was kind of numb/tingly. I joked that he was having a heart attack and did he want me to stop. But he said he was fine and we kept going. Before we even made it to the next exit, he started feeling short of breath and he changed his mind. We pulled over near a trooper, and Kevin walked around for some fresh air. He felt better when he was standing, but still wanted to stop. We got off at the next exit, made a pit stop to a gas station for some Bayer and headed to the hospital. By the time we got there, he was feeling better but we'd rather be safe than sorry. He got all checked in, they took some blood and did an EKG. Mind you, the kittens are still (for the past hour) in the back seat of my car. So I had to leave Kevin, drive to the apartment, drop them off, and come back for him. We ended up being there from 10pm until 2:30am for what thankfully turned out to be nothing. I've decided (and the nurse agreed with me) that he was feeling funny, and when he thought about it more, he psyched himself out and had an anxiety attack. So it turned out to be nothing serious. Nothing like a late night trip to the ER to remind you what you are thankful for.
FRIDAY - Kevin slept until almost noon. I sorted coupons and went grocery shopping and spent an obscene amount of $$ on basically nothing. In the same plaza, I stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond and FINALLY got our bedding - this has been a HUGE pain, trying to find something we both agree on. Also, I ran into Michael's to grab some adhesive for my invitations. I went back home and CLEANED like there was no tomorrow. The kitchen, the bathroom, the living room. I emptied out all the closets and took empty boxes down to the storage in the basement. I vacuumed and scrubbed and sprayed and dusted. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it. Then we went back out, picked up some wine for Thanksgiving w. Kevin's family the next day and also to Target. Target was a HUGE shopping spree. We had a TON of gift cards left from the shower that we hadn't used. We also had a George Foreman grill to return because we got two. SO we bought: 2 king size pillows (I didnt even realize king size beds had bigger pillows, until I opened up my lovely bed in a bad and held up the pillow shams...), a food processor, a Christmas decoration to put on the kitchen table, and lots of other little things. Then we stayed in for the night. I made quesadillas for dinner (one of Kevin's fave of my dishes) and we watched some things on the DVR. My buddy Oscar decided he was a scarf and laid in bed with me, across my neck. Seriously, they are too stinking cute. I just wish Viv liked us more....*sigh*
SATURDAY - Now it was my turn to sleep forever. I got up around 9, went back to bed at 10 for another almost 2 hours. Then I had to hurry up and get ready because we had Kevin's family Thanksgiving at his cousin's house at 1pm. It was pretty cramped there, about 15 people all hanging out in a tiny house. Dinner was delish, but I was able to control myself. But there was cobbler. Oh how i love the peach cobbler. But I was a good girl and only took one scoop. We played the longest game of Cranium on the face of the planet and didn't get home until about 6:30. Nothing much else, watched some hockey and my fave Christmas movie - White Christmas.
Seriously, if you have never seen this, I URGE you - watch it this year. It's adorable. It has great songs. And Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney, and its totally hysterical. One of my fave parts is when, Danny Kaye's character is trying to set Bing's character up with a woman, who is your typical dumb blonde. They walk away and Danny says: "Alright. She didn't go to Harvard. She didn't go to Smith." and Bing replies, "Go to Smith? She couldn't even spell it!" haha
AND now, I am back home. Kevin was going to a Bills game with his buddies (well, he was going to the 49ers, but it was in Buffalo, so its a Bills game) and I had to drop him off at 10:30....his friends had been there for at least an hour already. This is something I will never understand.
Well, I guess that is all for now. Kevin took some pictures of the kitties, but he didn't send them to me yet, so I guess we'll have to wait for that.
Enjoy it!!
The thing about...
However for me it means I have inherited headache after headache and today is NO exception. Someone emailed me - "Can you please fix this one account, it has the wrong rep name on it?" which I could do very easily.
Until I noticed what the real issue was. And this issue led me to run a report which turned up another 2500 accounts with wrong info, that I will have to change...individually.
So for the next forever, I will be looking up accounts on one system, noting the social security # so I am able to look it up in system #2, correct in both systems and repeat...times 2500. Rock on.
Enjoy it! (cuz I'll be too busy)
**UPDATE - I am now being asked to come in on weekends. Come on people! I have 2 jobs and I'm planning a wedding, don't I sound busy enough? As if the damn invitations weren't enough to drive me to drink...**
Ps - it's ok to love Erie
This time, things were a MILLION times better - the girl, Cari, was awesome! She really listened when I was trying to explain, asked how I liked what she was doing, and was willing to work with me to create a style. Here is what we ended up with:

I totally LOVE it! She did a great job, especially considering my hair is not super long, and therefore not that easy to work with. Hopefully, if I keep growing it for the next 3 months, those little curlies on the sides will actually be able to reach back to the little bun. I don't have a veil yet (my mom is supposed to be making it, actually) so we couldn't try it out. But, I am going to put in underneath the curls in the back, which means I don't need to get a fancy barrette or anything, because you won't see it. I am thinking of maybe getting a could hairpins, just for a little extra something, but we'll see. Also, I think I will just leave the veil in all night - it makes me feel all bridal, and you only get to do it that one day, right?
I came home and went to the mall with my mother, which worked out to be a lot of fun. She has been wanting to go to the new Bobbi Brown counter, where my friend works, but she wants to go when Meg is working and there is no way she would remember who Meg is haha. So we went together, I got to show Meg my hair, and she did my mom's makeup. It was gorgeous! My mom does NOT wear a lot of makeup, so Meg was really trying to take it easy. She used a tinted moisturizer, which evened out her skin and covered up a lot of the red. I could tell my mom was not so comfy with having someone all up in her face, but it turned out beautiful!
I came home and relaxed, while waiting for my friend Tracy to finish errands so we could head down to Erie for Colleen & Mike's BIRTHDAY EXTRAVAGANZA! Once we got there, we grabbed a couple Hot'n'Ready's (which are just pizzas, I think from Little Caesar's) and hung out and got ready to go out. Colleen loooooved her birthday/Christmas present - I got her this adorable apron with cherries on it, a cupcake tin shaped like hearts and a couple towels for the kitchen with her fave, penguins, on them. It's for her inner domestic goddess. Although she does have plans to "sex up" the apron, ya know, high heels, sexy underpants haha.
We were supposed to begin the evening at Matthew's Trattoria for martinis, but when we tried to go, we were told that the people involved in "The Nutcracker" were having a private party...so much for starting the evening out classy, haha!
We went to the Plymouth and enjoyed some of their drink specials, including a shot called the Four Divas - delish! I have no idea what was in it, but it was yummers. After that, we went to this other bar where Colleen and Mike's friends, Mandy and Andrew work. It was classy. Or not. The thing about bars in PA (unlike NY) is that you can smoke there. So we walked into a thick cloud of carcinogens and countryfolk lol. It was a great time though. Also, apparently I became the papazzi. So, here is my photo essay from the evening at the Red Fox...

Stranded at the bar, waiting for the slowest cab in Erie to retrieve our sorry behinds.
(l-r: John, Tracy, Colleen, Mike, Josh)
Enjoy it!!
Double digits
Guess we're in the home stretch.
If I could just finish those invitations by Thanksgiving, then I will feel better.
Also, I think we've finally decided on a DJ. My mom's choice. Which I am fine with. Its a guy, Sax Man Slim - during dinner he plays sax along with instrumental tracks. Then he doubles as a dj. My mom is in love with the sax, so she is really loving this man.
Yesterday I have my annual appointment with Laura, the best nurse practitioner a girl with a severe phobia to the medical profession could ever ask for. I made it through the whole appointment, but then for no apparent reason started to cry. I would blame the bc pills, but I know its just being there that sets me off. But Laura is great - she never lets it bother her, just continues doing her job, which helps me to calm down faster.
Although, she did veto the whole IUD scenario. I'm sure if I looked around, I could find someone willing to do it for me, but I don't really have the time or energy right now, so it will have to wait until post-wedding. I am switching pills though, so hopefully that will help - fingers crossed, I won't be all emotional like a 13 yr old anymore!
I'm headed out to Erie PA tomorrow afternoon for a lovely evening (aka birthday extravaganza!!) with the Trifecta, Mike and some other lovely Erie inhabitants.
Enjoy it!
Stupid fake major
It makes it a lot more nerve-wracking to go from working two jobs, 60 hours a week, and being able to pay my own way, to probably working part time while job searching and depending very heavily on Kevin. I have been looking for jobs in the new city, using their helpwanted.com site and everything, checking out full time opportunities at my current part time gig....but nothing is catching my eye.
And perhaps this is because of the current state of the economy? I can't really afford to be picky. But also, I am so afraid to get stuck in some job that I hate (like I have been for the past 2-3 years) for a paycheck. I just haven't found It yet. I can tell you for sure that banking is not It.
I was getting very upset about this all last night, and Kevin, being the nice guy he is, was being sweet and saying "I just want to take care of you, I'll help you any way I can..." which just makes it worse. I don't want to be with you because I can't afford be on my own. Which is not really how I feel, but I feel like eventually he will be resentful that I'm such an economic leech. I dunno.
Keep me in your thoughts, that I can figure out what the heck it is I want to do with my life and stop wandering around these horrible corporate jobs I've been stuck in.
Enjoy it!
Glitter + vacuum = No good

I think they are cute, maybe a little higher than I had wanted but I can always bring a different pair for after dinner. Best of all, they were on sale for $29.99...I loves me some bargains.
Next, we left that mall and headed towards another one. We stopped at Jareds and finally got Kevin's wedding band (Kevin bought mine last February). Kevin had originally wanted a darker metal, to match the watch I got him last Christmas, so that would have been tungsten. However, this is just how it is - it is very durable, almost impossible to scratch, but it cannot be engraved or sized. Kevin didn't want to have to get another ring in case his fingers got bigger or smaller, so we ended up with a plaing white gold band.
We grabbed lunch next door at a place called Smoky Bones. I don't even want to think about how much fat and calories were in the meal, but as a small indication - Kevin ordered an appetizer: cornbread with honey pecan butter....to. die. for. mmmmm! Good thing it was the only meal we ate all day.
Whew! Aren't you tired, hearing about all this? And we aren't even done yet!
We went to Target and mosied around for a while, picked up some things Kevin needed for the apartment and also some TV tables that Kevin's mom wanted for her birthday. Next door was Michael's craft store, and I went there too, looking at ribbons, candles, paper, etc. I ended up with 18" of hunter green ribbon, a white pillar candle, a piece of vellum and an idea. When we got home, I made this:
I think it turned out great! The monogram is a bit big, but I <3>
Finally we stopped at Blockbuster, where I was unable to restrain myself from participating in the 3 for $20 movies....and I ended up with 9 new movies. So we watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Baby Mama and called it a night.
Sunday, we had Pre Cana. I really enjoyed listening to the other couples share their stories about communication and fidelity, I just think it was a bit long. All in all, I am glad we went, I think it will be useful to have those tools that we talked about there, and just be aware of each other's feelings.
Coldstone was the reward for the 7 hours spent at a church function, then Kevin had to leave and go back home - narrowly missing the snow. They predicted 6-12 inches, so we will see how it goes when I head outside....not excited about boots.
Enjoy it!!
I'm an apple!
My cousin Tyler and I have always been close. We are the same age and since there aren't so many girls in the family (even though you have 13 cousins on that one side alone!), I guess we were destined.
Once when we were younger (around 8), Tyler and her sister Brie, and me and my sister Emily were spending the day with our grandmother. She lived near a park/golf course area and we liked to take walks around. This paticular day, Tyler and I were doing our normal thing - talking with each other and walking 10 feet in front of the rest of the troops.
My grandmother turned to Brie and said, "Look at them, aren't they a pair?"
To which Emily (who was around 5 at the time), responded very cheerfully, "And I'm an APPLE, Grandma!"
To Emily's chagrin, this story is retold many, many times - especially when it comes Christmas time. Why, you ask? Because that year, my grandma gave us two very special ornaments - a pear and an apple!
Enjoy it!!
Takin' care of business
Last weekend: bought a ridiculous amount of lingerie for the honeymoon
Yesterday: bought all the bridesmaids personalized stationary as part of their gift
Things for this weekend:
- Appointment with reception hall to discuss menu and get my questions answered
- Buy candy bars for favors (wholesale club)
- Look for Kevin's wedding band
- Find more paper for Wish Jar
- Buy a Wish Jar!
- Order vases and candles for centerpieces
- Order InstaSnow?
- Work on picture frame card box
- PRE CANA on Sunday 2-9pm
On the horizon:
- Hair appt on Tuesday 11-11 to try out some styles
- Keep working on invitations and inserts
- Candy bar labels
- Programs
- Meeting with Father G. to do questions, and go over readings and music
For the most part, these are little details, but I feel like my To Do list is montrous and I haven't been able to cross hardly anything off. Oh, and I still need a DJ.... we should just do an iPod, I have approx 7000 songs on mine (I know, its hard to believe you can even KNOW that many songs, but I do!). But I don't know how to set that up either. Argh, stupid music.
The goal is to have the invitations DONE by Thanksgiving. We'll see how it goes.
Enjoy it!
At least I tried....
My dear friend Colleen was in town last night, not only to see the new bebe but also to get a hair cut. Since I don't get to see her as often as I would like, I went along for a chance to visit with her.
(I've been growing my hair out for a whole year - I've had short hair almost my whole life and right now it's the longest it has been in a decade, at least)
And while I watched the scissors work and the hair hit the floor, it took all my strength and will power not to ask the woman, "Can you PLEASE do me next?"
Of course, I'm pretty sure if I DID cut my hair, my parents would be dancing around with glee. And Kevin would probably be pretty sad.
(He's really enjoying that I have hair for him to play with, rather than the short 'do where he could hardly run his fingers through it)
Of course, he will have to deal with it soon enough because I have already threatened that post-wedding, I'm buzzing it off...and dying it blonde. Think Victoria Beckhams new pixie. I need a change. I am desperate for a change. BUT I have been growing it out for so long that I can't cut it until I find out how I am doing it for the wedding. You can always cut some off, but you can't make it longer on a whim.
Gosh, I want a hair cut :(
Enjoy it!!
Not yet!
I am not going because if I do, it will be a serious kick in the ovaries. And it is just easier to avoid it, rather than go enjoy myself.
On one hand, I am thinking I am so ready to have a baby, to have this little life that relies totally and completely on you. It's unnerving how much I enjoy being around the little bebes in my life.
But on the other hand, I know that I will have a lot of transitioning to do once the wedding is done, with the relocating, starting a new job and just living with a boy in general. And on top of that, Kevin and I have spent our entire relationship apart. I really just want to enjoy our time together and be free to take off and do things at the drop of a hat.
And still, that little nagging is there.
So to that little voice, I say, "Be patient, we'll get there! Just enjoy what you have now."
....and maybe get a fur baby soon, instead.
Enjoy it!!
Well, I was feeling positive
But now the nerves are back again.
I think the reason I am having such a tough time choosing a DJ is because of the other vendors I've chosen, namely our photographer and limo company.
On my local board on the Knot, I never saw negative things about the ones I had chosen...until after I put down a deposit. Then suddenly, everyone had gripes to share. The limo is not a huge concern, persay. I need it to get us to the church, to our locations for pictures and to the reception. Pretty much, as long as it runs and can get through the snow, I will be ok.
The complaints I have seen about them is that brides were shown nice, new limos at the shows and then that isn't what ended up in their driveways on the wedding day. Which, of course its nice to have something awesome, especially after shelling out the $$, but like I said, as long as it runs then we are ok. Other complaints have been about the radio or A/C working...definitely NOT huge concerns.
But the photographer....that is a big deal. I've seen their work, and they seem to do lots of fun types of things, creative poses and things. The prices were great and included the rights to all the photos, free of watermarks, etc. Which was very important to me.
Then a woman at work complained about this photog and I'm getting anxious. They employ about 8 different photogs there, and the one she had trouble with was the owner. She said he pretty much barked out instructions, didn't listen to her, and took generic pictures so there was nothing that made her pics stand out from someone else's.
Personally, I want the traditional posed pictures. I want to make sure I get our families in there, and the ones with the wedding party all lined up. But I still want some candid and fun pictures and I definitely do not want someone bossing me around on my wedding day...but how can I ask to NOT have the guy who owns the company be our photographer? I don't want to offend them, but this is something we will have forever and I want it to be surrounded by good memories. Ack! Stuck between a rock and a hard place, that's me....
And therefore I am now completely stuck on the DJ....have been for months. I mean, this is the person who will set the tone for the wedding. Either get people up dancing or leave them seated and want to leave early. What to do, what to do....
And its finally happened...
BUT this weekend, the fun was back!
Firstly, I spent the night at the apartment with Kevin and finally got to sleep on the new mattress. Let me tell you, don't believe anyone who says your mattress doesn't matter. This thing is ahhhh-mazing. I want to live there. It is the happiest place on earth.
After my glorious night's sleep, I got dressed and ready and drove out to visit my friend Kelly from college. My other college friend (and bridesmaid) Cair met me there also. We went out for some lunch and then headed out shopping. We went to Lane Bryant and I spent an obscene amount of money. But the best part of it was that I got to check something off my wedding To Do list, because I bought...
sexy underpants!! honeymoon lingerie!!
And let me tell you (I don't often feel confident about myself so this is saying a LOT) - I looked hot! I got five different outfits: a black corset and matching panties, a red bra and skirt with a thong underneath, an emerald green satin bra and the cutest thong I've ever seen (a ruffle around the waist and then a bow on the butt...seriously adorable), a black sheer nightie, and a black sheer cami and matching panties. Add in the red silkie nightie and robe I got at my bridal shower and I am *almost* all set.
The only thing I want to get is something white for the wedding night....or the first night on the honeymoon, we'll see how things go.
My moral quandry here is that I am absolutely desperate to show Kevin, because I know he will love them. But at the same time I want to to be a surprise. I guess I will just have to hold out. For now at least.....
Enjoy it!!