
..."the night"...


As you may know, we have two lovely little kittens (who are not so little, or always so lovely anymore haha), Oscar and Vivienne. They are 6(ish) months old and we've been dodging a bullet with them so far.

They have not been fixed. But so far, that has not been a problem, at least one that we've observed. The thing is - its EXPENSIVE to get your animals fixed. So we applied to see if we could get some $$ to use towards it. We didn't get the kittens from a ASPCA or anything, my boss's mom's cat had kittens and she was giving them away. So the opportunity presented itself, and we went for it. 

The vet we went to gave us a lecture on how important it was to spay/neuter your pet and how we should pass that along to the person we got them from. And I agree - there are a lot of animals out there without people to love them, so why keep creating more? But at the same time...if its so so important (ms. vet tech), why don't you make it a little easier on the budget? 

Anyhoo....bullet dodging...oh ok, here's the point. 

Last night, the cats decided it was The Night. There was horrible noises coming from the kitchen and I went to see what was going on, and there was Oscar, mounting Viv. Which, would not only leave us with kittens we 1 - aren't allowed to have and 2 - wouldn't know what to do with, but they are also from the same litter, so we'd have kittens with 3 eyes or 19 toes. GAH!

SO I scared them apart and they've been separated ever since. Which also means, sleep is tough. The first night, Oscar was in a room by himself. He cried the WHOLE damn night. The whole thing. You would think he'd tired himself out and give it up. But no. He woke me up at 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am, 5:30am.....

Lesson learned - we can't wait for him anymore. So he has an appt for the ol' snip snip on Friday. We bring him in Thursday night and pick him up Friday afternoon. She is the more expensive, so we are waiting to find out if we can get any credits. At least they are indoor cats so they aren't picking it up someplace else haha.

Now let's see how the next couple of nights go.....

Enjoy it!

1 comment:

Meg said...

Good luck hun!!! I know that will be the best thing for them, but it does suck that it costs soo much!!! Even though you didn't get them through the SPCA, do they offer a lower rate if you got them neutered through them?