

OMG i just woke up from the worst dream ever and I am just typing it out right now before I forget all the horrible things that went wrong. First of all, we have this really lovely banquet hall, and when I walk in, it just has 4 long tables that stretch the entire length of the room. My dress has patches on it like it is some girl scout sash. My bridesmaids never went to get their dresses altered and are being held together by straight pins, and my friend Kara's skirt keeps falling down. They are not even in the right color, but someone is also randomly wearing a brown top. We are about to do introductions, but only the girls are in the back and people are leaving already. Kevin is still sitting at a table with his buddies, drinking, so I peek out to see what is going on and there are only about 50 people left (we invited 250). Someone handed me a bottle of dark rum, and it spilled all over the front of my dress. So I go to the bathroom to try and clean it up - which looks remarkably like the bathrooms in a grammar school - and the more I try to clean it up, I get up that little spot, but make a bigger mess of it. Then suddenly I realize - THIS IS NOT EVEN MY DRESS!!! It has this ugly burnt orange/brown/poop colored trim on it. And just as I sit down on the bathroom floor and started to cry, I woke up.


Little Ol' Me said...

your day will be beautiful!

Mrs. Boom said...

I hear that the worse the wedding nightmares, the more beautiful your actual day will be!!!