Today is the last day at my big kid job. After this I have a week off to prep and finish all my little projects, get primped and pampered and beautified, and then that is it - the wedding day and off to a lovely week in Antigua.
The girl I have been training has been out sick for the last three days, so today I am trying to get everything together for her and make sure I leave her some good notes.
It is SO nice knowing that I don't have to drive downtown anymore. I love to think about how I don't have to plan my weekends out months in advance according to what is going on with the wedding, when I am working and when I can see Kevin - I can see him everyday!
But I am really going to miss my friends here. The ladies at the office have basically planned the whole wedding with me, and I have loved their insights and advice. I just hope I am lucky enough to meet new friends at the new place.
I still can't even wrap my head around the fact that the wedding is in 8 days. EIGHT. A week plus one.
Sniffles and watery eyes
So I called in to work on Friday. I slept in for an extra 3 hours. I laid in bed for two more. I made myself some breakfast, went to AAA and picked up our honeymoon tickets, stopped at Borders to pick up some things and grabbed dinner with my grandparents. I worked at the grocery store and passed out in bed.
Saturday, I carried a box of tissues around with me like a safety blanket. My mom and I went out to the dress shop to pick out her dress, finally. We have a WINNER! I love love love it - it is a beautiful navy blue color and she looks great - what a relief! Now it just needs to be altered. Then I took off to Rochester, and when I got to the apartment, I took a nap for more than an hour. Kevin and I went out for some lunch - Red Robin, yummmmm! Then ran a few errands and by the time we were done, I was EXHAUSTED! It was only 6:30 pm, but I put on my pjs and snuggled up in bed. Which is also where I spent the majority of Sunday. By dinner time on Sunday, I had finished a whole box of tissues, and a whole pint of lowfat Half-Baked B&Js fro-yo (its not really low fat anymore when you eat the whole container, is it?). And I was wiped. So I stayed the night again and just got up early with Kevin this morning to head back to B-lo. Kevin had to be at work at 6am today, so he woke me up before he went in. It was a rough ride in and I was having a hard time staying awake, but I think I will make it through the day. I am feeling a little bit better, and I haven't fallen asleep at my desk yet, so I am rejoicing in the small victories.
My friend Ann is taking me out to lunch today and I am excited to get the heck out of here for a little while. It will be nice to take a break. Also, pretty much everyone in my office is sick, and even my big boss called in today, so I don't really feel so bad about being a wimp on Friday and not just toughing it out. Normally I would just try and work through it, but with the wedding so close, I need to get better and that won't happen if I never get to rest.
Enjoy it!!
Saturday, I carried a box of tissues around with me like a safety blanket. My mom and I went out to the dress shop to pick out her dress, finally. We have a WINNER! I love love love it - it is a beautiful navy blue color and she looks great - what a relief! Now it just needs to be altered. Then I took off to Rochester, and when I got to the apartment, I took a nap for more than an hour. Kevin and I went out for some lunch - Red Robin, yummmmm! Then ran a few errands and by the time we were done, I was EXHAUSTED! It was only 6:30 pm, but I put on my pjs and snuggled up in bed. Which is also where I spent the majority of Sunday. By dinner time on Sunday, I had finished a whole box of tissues, and a whole pint of lowfat Half-Baked B&Js fro-yo (its not really low fat anymore when you eat the whole container, is it?). And I was wiped. So I stayed the night again and just got up early with Kevin this morning to head back to B-lo. Kevin had to be at work at 6am today, so he woke me up before he went in. It was a rough ride in and I was having a hard time staying awake, but I think I will make it through the day. I am feeling a little bit better, and I haven't fallen asleep at my desk yet, so I am rejoicing in the small victories.
My friend Ann is taking me out to lunch today and I am excited to get the heck out of here for a little while. It will be nice to take a break. Also, pretty much everyone in my office is sick, and even my big boss called in today, so I don't really feel so bad about being a wimp on Friday and not just toughing it out. Normally I would just try and work through it, but with the wedding so close, I need to get better and that won't happen if I never get to rest.
Enjoy it!!
OMG i just woke up from the worst dream ever and I am just typing it out right now before I forget all the horrible things that went wrong. First of all, we have this really lovely banquet hall, and when I walk in, it just has 4 long tables that stretch the entire length of the room. My dress has patches on it like it is some girl scout sash. My bridesmaids never went to get their dresses altered and are being held together by straight pins, and my friend Kara's skirt keeps falling down. They are not even in the right color, but someone is also randomly wearing a brown top. We are about to do introductions, but only the girls are in the back and people are leaving already. Kevin is still sitting at a table with his buddies, drinking, so I peek out to see what is going on and there are only about 50 people left (we invited 250). Someone handed me a bottle of dark rum, and it spilled all over the front of my dress. So I go to the bathroom to try and clean it up - which looks remarkably like the bathrooms in a grammar school - and the more I try to clean it up, I get up that little spot, but make a bigger mess of it. Then suddenly I realize - THIS IS NOT EVEN MY DRESS!!! It has this ugly burnt orange/brown/poop colored trim on it. And just as I sit down on the bathroom floor and started to cry, I woke up.
And for once, it isn't my own - it is Kevin's.
Last night I got a text message at 2:29am about how he was feeling funny and couldn't sleep. This has happened before. He starts to feel...not right. His chest gets tight and he feels short of breath. He feels sort of numb, or like he is just floating through his day. This is the same thing that happened on Thanksgiving, which resulted in a trip to the ER.
Kevin is someone who is always healthy (knock on wood). He rarely gets a cold, whereas I am sick left and right with colds, strep throat, the flu, you name it. SO when something feels off, it freaks him out. Kevin is also a worrier - when something like this freaks him out, it carries over for days. Its ok when his mind is busy, at work, playing a video game...but when he tries to sleep, he lays there and thinks about things instead. Which results in more anxiety, tight chest, etc. It is a vicious cycle.
Kevin is now particularly worried since my cousin, 27, had a stroke this summer. When he first went to the ER, he was sent home with a diagnosis of the flu. Luckily, he went back and is doing very very well now. But Kevin, the worrier, thinks "I live alone. What if something were to happen to me and no one would know until the smell of my decomposing body leaked into the hall and the kittens started eating my eyeballs?"
Which stresses me out because 1 - Kevin is a large man, and not a very healthy eater. What if I think he is crying wolf and something is really the matter? 2 - I don't know why he thinks that if he didn't answer my phone calls for a day (let alone long enough that the kittens would eat his eyeballs) wouldn't send up a warning signal and 3 - I don't want him to have to be anxious about things and I think the things weighing on his mind right now are the wedding and how we'll be making ends meet after I relocate.
I don't know what to do to help him. I don't want him to be feeling crappy and anxious for the next 17 days, but I also don't think he is the kind of person who will want to talk to someone/seek options for treating or controlling anxiety. I feel like we are going around in circles. The funny thing is, it seems to be that he gets upset when I am telling him about all the things that I've gotten done for the wedding.
I guess I'll have to wait and see how he is feeling this morning...
Last night I got a text message at 2:29am about how he was feeling funny and couldn't sleep. This has happened before. He starts to feel...not right. His chest gets tight and he feels short of breath. He feels sort of numb, or like he is just floating through his day. This is the same thing that happened on Thanksgiving, which resulted in a trip to the ER.
Kevin is someone who is always healthy (knock on wood). He rarely gets a cold, whereas I am sick left and right with colds, strep throat, the flu, you name it. SO when something feels off, it freaks him out. Kevin is also a worrier - when something like this freaks him out, it carries over for days. Its ok when his mind is busy, at work, playing a video game...but when he tries to sleep, he lays there and thinks about things instead. Which results in more anxiety, tight chest, etc. It is a vicious cycle.
Kevin is now particularly worried since my cousin, 27, had a stroke this summer. When he first went to the ER, he was sent home with a diagnosis of the flu. Luckily, he went back and is doing very very well now. But Kevin, the worrier, thinks "I live alone. What if something were to happen to me and no one would know until the smell of my decomposing body leaked into the hall and the kittens started eating my eyeballs?"
Which stresses me out because 1 - Kevin is a large man, and not a very healthy eater. What if I think he is crying wolf and something is really the matter? 2 - I don't know why he thinks that if he didn't answer my phone calls for a day (let alone long enough that the kittens would eat his eyeballs) wouldn't send up a warning signal and 3 - I don't want him to have to be anxious about things and I think the things weighing on his mind right now are the wedding and how we'll be making ends meet after I relocate.
I don't know what to do to help him. I don't want him to be feeling crappy and anxious for the next 17 days, but I also don't think he is the kind of person who will want to talk to someone/seek options for treating or controlling anxiety. I feel like we are going around in circles. The funny thing is, it seems to be that he gets upset when I am telling him about all the things that I've gotten done for the wedding.
I guess I'll have to wait and see how he is feeling this morning...
You win some, you lose some
So this weekend was interesting - I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more, filled a couple of boxes to send with Kevin to the apartment and filled up garbage bags and a recycling bin full of junk. My mom, her friend Mrs. Q and I worked on favors. I went to the baby shower for Heather, the Best Man Justin's wife. I didn't know anyone there and Kevin's ex ended up sitting next to me, but she was fine, friendly even, so I guess that worked out ok.
I had a FANTASTIC Monday morning - I was in an amazing mood because Kevin came to pick me up at work and we went to get our marriage license. Any excuse to see Kevin is a good one. But this was SO exciting. Of course Kevin was all, "*grumble grumble* don't know why there aren't lines on the roads *grumble mumble* signs to mark the one-way streets *grumble*"...he doesn't enjoy driving downtown haha.
After work, I headed out to the dress shop to pick up my dress - so exciting. And then my day his a low point. I slipped on some ice in the parking lot and fell. I skinned my knee and bruised up my hands. Big old dummy. After I washed my hands and bandaged my knee (thankfully I didn't rip my new pants!), I headed in to try on the dress for the last time before the wedding. My dress has a chiffon overlay on it, and its longer than the actual dress. And to me, it looked like the hem on one side was higher than the other, and there was what looked like two little snags on the front of the chiffon and I didn't love the whole bustle, but its just a litle too late now. Plus, right now we were really scrutinizing it, which no one will be doing the day of, and they weren't things you would see in pictures.
The dress is living at my great aunt's right now, so that it won't get ruined here... I just realized that I paid for a crinoline but I don't know if I took it home (wrapped with the dress) or not....I will have to check with my mom, since she had the dress in her car.
I worked till midnight tonight. Work at 7:30 tomorrow morning, then a meeting with the music director at church tomorrow at 4:30. Then hopefully finishing cleaning and maybe doing some nothing, because I'm hitting a rough patch.
Enjoy it!!
I had a FANTASTIC Monday morning - I was in an amazing mood because Kevin came to pick me up at work and we went to get our marriage license. Any excuse to see Kevin is a good one. But this was SO exciting. Of course Kevin was all, "*grumble grumble* don't know why there aren't lines on the roads *grumble mumble* signs to mark the one-way streets *grumble*"...he doesn't enjoy driving downtown haha.
The dress is living at my great aunt's right now, so that it won't get ruined here... I just realized that I paid for a crinoline but I don't know if I took it home (wrapped with the dress) or not....I will have to check with my mom, since she had the dress in her car.
I worked till midnight tonight. Work at 7:30 tomorrow morning, then a meeting with the music director at church tomorrow at 4:30. Then hopefully finishing cleaning and maybe doing some nothing, because I'm hitting a rough patch.
Enjoy it!!
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