Friday - I took off from Wegmans so I was free to hang out with my family. I got a fish fry with my grandparents and great-uncle. Then we went back to my grandparents house to wait for the PA aunt and cousin to get in so we could go see the FL cousin and babies! They were taking forever and we didn't want her to be in for the night by the time we got there, so we left and of course saw them coming down the street as we drove away. We went over to my other aunt's to see her daughter and 2 children, including my god-daughter Hayden. She is such a sweetie, and so pretty! Beautiful blue eyes and *sparse* dark hair. I let my sister hold her first since she could only stay a short time. Then it was my turn and she cried - hungry girl. But I held her later and she was good. And I was glad to see my cousin Amanda (from Philly).
After we left the family I traced the outline of my friend's monogram onto the aisle runner for her so I would be ready for Sunday when I planned to paint.
**On a somber note, we found out that my former boss's dad passed away on Thursday, so I had to add in plans to attend a wake for the weekend. We were close and joked with each other, so I felt like I should go.**
Saturday - I got up early because I had some errands to run. I went to the mall to pick something up for Hayden as a christening gift - I had a duplicate of a Willow Tree figurine which I couldn't return, but I exchanged it for a Precious Moments frame with a little baby on it and planned to put a pic in it from the day. Ran to Macy's and picked up some adorable baby outfits for my girl, on sale! Also a barette for the wedding - stupid hair.
Came home and freshened up, plugged in the address to the GPS and headed out to ATTICA. Made good time and arrived early. Kevin looked so handsome in his tux, and the groom was a nervous wreck!! Once we could process into the wedding, I met up with Kevin's friend who wasn't in the wedding and sat with him and his parents (Kevin's parents weren't there yet). The wedding ceremony was short and sweet, Sara laughed through Derek's vows, I think to keep him from crying. The preacher was not amazing - stumbled over his words and kept ranting about Derek being the head of the house and Sara's job is to support and obey him. After the wedding Kevin asked, "Our wedding isn't going to be like that, right?" haha
They had a reception line leaving the church and it went relatively quickly, but the bridal party was also in the line, and hence I was confronted with Kevin's EX. No words. But she knew. I let all the girls put their things in my car to get them to the reception, even her. And then later in the evening, one of the other bridesmaids, Heather (the wife of the best man in our wedding) was like "Oh thanks for letting J put her things in your car" and I was just like "Well I wouldn't have said 'Everyone can put their things in my car except you!'" haha. Oh well
The food was decent, considering the reception was at a fire hall. They had a pretty cake and a candy buffet. I hung out with Kevin's family and my adoptive inlaws (Kevin's friend Mike's parents) while we waited for the BP to show up. After dinner, Heather fell and broke her ankle - it was not good. She is 3 mos pregnant, so they couldn't do an xray or give her any pain meds so she is uncomfortable. Poor thing. They have the worst luck.
Kevin and I left the wedding early (around 8pm) and just went back to his parents house and got in some serious "us" time. We haven't gotten to snuggle in a LONG time and sleep in the same bed in even longer. It was very nice
Sunday - We went to breakfast with Kevin's brother Randy. Then I washed my hair, got dressed and headed out to the church for Hayden's christening. I wished that Kevin could have come with me and seen the baby, but he had to work again. I sat through the mass and then helped Lesley get Hayden dressed. She was so good the whole time, no crying or fussing, even when they poured the water on her head. Such a good little girl!

Listening to the priest

This is everyone who was at the christening - at the church where I am getting married.
When we left the ceremony, I ran to Wegmans to print a couple of pictures and grab a card. I put one of the pictures in the frame and then headed to my grandma's for dinner. I had a good time visiting and after dinner, I was holding her and she fell asleep and was such a little angel. I have so many good pictures!
When we left the ceremony, I ran to Wegmans to print a couple of pictures and grab a card. I put one of the pictures in the frame and then headed to my grandma's for dinner. I had a good time visiting and after dinner, I was holding her and she fell asleep and was such a little angel. I have so many good pictures!

Excuse how I look like I haven't slept in a week, but this is me and my lil peanut
After I left there, I stopped at Joann's and got some paint and brushes for the aisle runner. Then I fluffed up my hair and went to the wake with Kelly. We met Joyce and then I had to take over for Kelly because she was getting shaky and couldn't drive. Since we left that office, she stayed in touch with Frank and they were sort of 'talking' and making out haha. So she knew that his dad was sick and also that he was NOT expecting him to die, but to make a full recovery. Also, her father died when we were seniors in high school, and so she (better than any of us) really understood what he was feeling and going through. But he seemed to be doing ok at that point - of course, its so busy and business like. Its really when you're left alone and have to really think about it that it gets tough (or so Kelly says). So hopefully he will have a strong support around him. And not push people away, like he seems to do so often.
When I got home, I started working on the aisle runner. It actually turned out pretty good, but I did accidentally get one rouge blue spot on it, so I have to consult with Steph as to how to proceed. We'll see how it goes. It definitely didn't take as long as I expected. The aisle runner is like painting on a mix of paper towel and dryer sheet haha. Hope she likes how it turned out!

Enjoy it!
SOunds like it was a pretty good weekend overall. So sorry to hear about the passing of your friend and the ankle injury though.
Will you post pics of the aisle runner when you're done?
As soon as I can get my sister to put her pics on her compy, I'm loading this whole blog up with pictures!
I love the aisle runner!!! It turned out soooo good!!! Your Goddaughter is a doll!!!
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