My goddaughter Hayden arrived last night and I can't wait to see her today...stupid work! Also, my lovely cousin Amanda will be here today. I love when the out-of-town family come to visit, it is so nice to have everyone in the same place.
Wednesday I got my STD magnets in the mail and they came out great!! I love them. In fact, I was so excited I stuck all 200 of them all over the fridge.
Wednesday I got my STD magnets in the mail and they came out great!! I love them. In fact, I was so excited I stuck all 200 of them all over the fridge.

They are blurry but they say "Kevin bought the ring and Meagan said yes. There's going to be a wedding and we hope you'll be our guest!"
My family got a big kick out of that, but seriously, they are so stinkin' cute! Now if I could just get them out....maybe next week? I am soooo busy with Steph's wedding and things I don't know if that will happen. The little cards I made to put the magnets on are uber-boring and I want to dress them up a little, but I'd rather just get them out sooner, so we shall see. Also, I got the new address cards I made up, and it says "Kevin and Meagan Newlastname" and I was just like...whoa, I'm getting married.
Still not really looking forward to the wedding this weekend. I just always feel like an outsider with Kevin's friends. I know they have all been friends for a long time and I'm the new girl but still... At first I thought we were ok, but now I feel like I'm not so sure.
Last night was seriously an awful night. I was just so down about everything - I have a lot of big expenses this month and it is really draining my bank account, which makes me worried. I just get in these moods where I feel like I am always going to be making just what I need to get by and never be able to do nice things and afford to take vacations and it bums me out. Kevin tries to make me feel better, saying he worked a lot of OT and he can pay for things, but I don't want to take his $$. I want to be able to support myself. I want to be able to save, so we can do things. Ugh, stress. And the headache is back and stronger than ever.
The landlady is driving me CRAZY already. She has been going back and forth, pretty much with herself, about the paint and the cupboards and ugh! We picked out a pretty green called Herbal Garden as she said we could choose a color for the kitchen. I told her the name and the number so she could check it out at Home Depot and also said I would send her the sample I got. She said she checked it out and it was very pretty blah blah. Then two days later she tells me it will really brighten up the kitchen. The VERY NEXT day I get an email that the paint will make the kitchen look small and its dark and if we want it that color we would have to prime it back before we leave and she thought it was the lighter one on such and such a chart. I sent you the name and number!! Where was the confusion??? Crazy lady!!! And the cupboards are UGLY and she mentioned something about painting them white instead of varnishing them and I wanted them to do that. She said it would be extra work because they would have to be stripped and sanded, so if that is what we wanted, Kevin could do it on his own. I have told her approx 10 times that he would do it and still she says every email "Does Kevin want to paint?" AHHH I am pulling my hair out!
Well, anyhow, I am going to have a good weekend. Babies, visiting with cousins and snuggling with my bunny after the wedding. *sigh* it will be nice.
Enjoy it!
Ugh. Landlords/ladies are a PITA. I don't miss dealing with them in the very brief time I've been without one.
As for the money stress, try to let your FI help if he is offering. I understand the need to be independent and have had to finally give up a little bit and remember that we are getting married and are in this together - money/no money and all.
About the wedding - just try and enjoy it, maybe get and idea or two? And, if not, pick it apart and report back to us on the knot! (LOL - kidding!)
I love the MAGNETS!!!! TOO CUTE!!! haha I agree with Jen on letting your FI help you out. You two are about to married soon and ya'll are in it together!!! I too understand the being independent part, but lol I have no problem asking fi for money if i need to help with something and I would do the same for him!! It's a give and take and part of the relationship, it's ok!!
I love reading your blog, you crack me up!
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