Oh.mi.gosh!! This weekend was AMAZING! Here's a little recap:
Friday night my friend Carolyn got in from Queensbury and we went out to dinner to Red Robin with my mom and sister. It was completely delicious! Then we went to the Chocolate Bar downtown and met up with Carolyn's friend, Maryanna (who had the custest haircut) and had yummy martinis. On the way home, we stopped at Wegmans and picked up some breakfast for the next morning and also some frozen limeade for margaritas the next night. Then we made a mix cd for the car trip and went to bed.
Saturday - I got up early to get ready for the day. Ran to get some donut holes for the trip, cut up apples, packed some waters. Cair came down and Tracy and Col showed up a little early, so I called to wake Kara up so she would be ready when we picked her up and we took off. We got up to Rochester way earlier than I thought we would, 8 minutes before the Alfred Angelo store opened so we took some funny pictures to document the day and then in we went. Our personal bridal consultant, Renee, came and helped us pick out dresses. We had two dressing rooms reserved and everyone grabbed a stack of tops and bottoms to try on. Of course, we had a great fashion show and took lots of pictures and laughed a lot. It ended up going a lot quicker than I thought it would, and we were out of there in just a little over an hour.
We headed over to Marketview Liquor, picked up some tequila and triple sec (more margarita supplies) and also the best bottle of wine I have ever seen - it was called Bitch! and had an awesome pink label. Then we went out to lunch at Pittsford Pub and met up with Dave, a friend from college. Then I got a call from the apartment lady, Denise, about the apartment I was supposed to go and check out, so we all headed over there. She had two apartment available, and even though I was pretty much determined to NOT like them, they were really nice for what we can afford. So I called and talked with Kevin and I ended up signing the lease, which means we have our VERY FIRST APARTMENT!! This really helps me a lot, because now I feel like I can pick the things on our registry better because I see the space I want them for. Also, we get to choose a color to paint the kitchen, which I think will make it a little more homey. My friends were really helpful with the ideas and also we got to look at out neighbor's apartment, full of furniture, which was great. Of course, we have NO furniture to put in it, but we will get there. My grandma has a table that she said we could have, and we have a mattress and a boxspring... piece by piece, right?
After that, we were all set in Rochester so we took off and headed back home, goals for the day accomplished. We dropped Kara back off so she could pick up Joe's car and came back to my house, where we parted ways - Colleen and Tracy back to their respective homes, and Cair and I to mine. Cair took a nap and I loaded all the pics for an earlier photo shoot onto my computer, finished designing my Save the Dates!! Which means - CHECK - I got those ordered and off the list. They should be here in about 2 weeks. YAHOO! Then I took a nap also, and woke up a little before it was time to head down to Colleen's, where we 5 girls were planning to have margaritas and smores! Little did I know that they had something else planned...
When I walked in, I was greeted by all my girlfriends and a surprise bachelorette party!! It was so great! Everyone was wearing leis and drinking daiquiris and they dressed my up in a funny hat and a "Bride to Be" necklace. Even my mom was there! We visited, ate, played games (including pin the junk on the hunk - what a riot!!), danced and drank!

This is my sister Emily and my friend's little sister Jen - nice faces guys!
My mother and Aunt Sandy
My mom, relishing her perfect placement at "Pin the Junk on the Hunk"
Sunday - Cair and I got up pretty early, ordered breakfast pizza and had an old college friend over for breakfast. Then Carolyn left - she had a long drive home. I had a family party for my uncle's 85th birthday and so I spent the afternoon there. On the way home I stopped at Joann's to pick up some things for another friend's bachelorette party and also at my fave store ever invented - Target! I made up some invitations for the party and also addressed the envelopes, so those can go out tomorrow.
All in all, this weekend was fantastic, everything went so much better than I could have anticipated and I was so glad for the time I got to spend with my friends! Thank you ladies!!
Enjoy it!
1 comment:
haha I love this pic of your mom!!! That's awesome!!! My mom would never do anything like that, lol she's such a prude...Your mom rox!!! =)
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