
Having a GREAT Day!

You know, sometimes things just line up so nice and all these little things make an ordinary day...just excellent.

As I mentioned in a previous post, we are house hunting. On Tuesday we put an offer in on a house and on Wednesday we found out it was accepted, which means we are officially on the road to becoming homeowners. Barring any major complications or problems with the home inspection, we should be in by August 20 or SOONER! Yahoo!

Yesterday, my husband met his mother near our home so they could go shopping. She was looking for some help to pick out a computer for her husband for Fathers Day and also something for me because today is my birthday. I have asked for about a million things for my birthday, including but not limited to, a puppy, a magically machine that inhales all cat hair, and a camcorder. But the one thing I really wanted is what my mother in law got me - a waffle iron!

I am not even kidding. That is what I have wanted for months and months but I just never got it for myself. So this morning, I made myself waffles for breakfast. Yum! And tonight, we are going out for hibachi for dinner. It is not Kevin's favorite, so this is the one time a year I get to pick a hibachi restaurant and it is ok. My parents just called my work phone and sang "Happy Birthday," I am going home this weekend and my mom is going to help me register at BRU and some of my friends will be home too so we can hopefully get together.

I puffy pink heart today <3

Enjoy it!

1 comment:

Mrs. Boom said...

So happy you found a house and are on the way to home ownership. Enjoy the ride.