

Apparently someone is making up for either the really shitty day I had on Tuesday (finding out I didn't get that job I was talking about the other day...let's not discuss, shall we?) or the really shitty 2009 I've been having (save for the really awesome wedding in February!!), because yesterday things just fell in line and I had an awesome day.

Work was pretty normal, nothing too exciting there. About half-way through my shift, I thought I recognized someone standing by the scratch-off lotto machines, so I took a loop around to get a better view and lo and behold - it was my college roommate Jessica, who I lived with for three years!!! We somehow lost touch after we moved in with different people. Lately I had been thinking about her, because she is native to my new city. We chatted for a second, and I found out she is a teacher, lives in the town right next to me and is getting married in June. We exchanged #s and hopefully can get together after Christmas! 

When I was leaving work, I had a voicemail from a number I didn't recognize. I listened and it was my photographer calling to say they had finished up my order, so we could pick up our album and pictures before Christmas! YAYAYYAYAY! I can't wait to see the finished product. Hopefully I will (finally) be able to put up some pictures from our wedding. Fingers crossed, my mom will pick it up for us on Monday. 

Enjoy it!!


Lovely Little Date Night

The past two weeks Kevin has been on A shift at work, meaning he works 6am - 2:30pm and he HATES it. And now, so do I. We have hardly seen each other at all, because I have been working mostly late shifts and I ended up visiting my parents for a day because he was working through the weekend. 

So today, I texted him about going out to Walmart, a place I do not normally shop at, to pick up a couple things I needed. I don't like to go by myself, so I wanted some company. He picked me up after work and we headed out to the south side of town to do a little shopping.

I ended up getting a couple of things I needed for some Christmas gifts I am making, we found a birthday gift for Kevin's dad and some odds and ends. We also stopped by JoAnn's to pick up a couple items for decorating Christmas cookies. 

While we were out, we ended up going out to dinner and just getting to sit and relax with each other. At least three times tonight, we said "Oh, I thought I told you that..." because we just haven't been seeing as much of each other with our opposing work schedules. It was so nice to just catch up. And on the way home, we stopped (in the snow) to grab an ice cream cone - the perfect end to a lovely evening. 

Anyone had a good date night recently?


Catching Up

Well, I don't really have any huge exciting stories to share here, but I do have a couple little things... something is better than nothing right?

I went out with my mom for my very first Black Friday shopping experience. I think it went pretty well, we didn't have any big ticket items we were looking for, not 97" plasma tvs for $2.99 or anything like that, and we completely avoided Walmart (thank you sweet tiny baby Jesus for that early Christmas miracle), so all in all we had a pretty easy time. I ended up with a huge king size blanket from Kohls for $19.99, House dvds seasons 1-4 for Kevin for $12.99/each, boots for myself from JcPenneys, regular price $90, on sale for $29.99, a bunch of Christmas/holiday shirts from Old Navy $5. I also know what all my Christmas presents are (from my mom), and lets just say I am very excited for Christmas morning!

I put in my application and resume for a new job the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and I am still waiting to hear back from the recruiter. Apparently it was a very popular posting, but I think if I get an interview I could do pretty well. Please send some good vibes this way! I really could use the job...

I have a friend in my new(ish) city! It is Kevin's friend's wife, Kristin. We had a movie date last week and I really like her. It is so nice to have a girlfriend around. I hope we can get together soon!

Kevin has had a sudden change of heart about babies and agreed that we can start trying! To have a baby! Seriously! Apparently he was talking to a guy at work who is only a few years older than us with 2 little ones, and he said they really aren't as expensive as you think... its just little bits at a time. I want to send this person the best Christmas present ever! Seriously. 

Enjoy it!